Dark Possession

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Story : Dark Possession

By : Rxel

Plot/summary : Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world.

It is said that children conceived under the effects of Amortentia are unable to feel love, but what wasn't known was that the degree of which it affected the child conceived depended on the amount of Amortentia administered over a given period of time to the party involved.

It was a little known fact that one James Potter started dousing his love with Amortentia when he was so sure that his love would never bear fruit, having been rebuffed time and time again.

It was an even less known fact that one Lily Evans started dousing James Potter with Amortentia before he even knew she existed.

Even when the two joined in marriage, and produced a child, they never stopped administering the deadly love potion to their partner up until the very end.

Harry J. Potter was the result of their shared infatuation, and his capacity for love was much, much lower than usual. So low, in fact, that when he started developing a little obsession of his own, he swore to obtain it at any cost...

Status : not completed/ongoing

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