The Historical Importance of Runic War Warding in the British Isles

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Story : The Historical Importance of Runic War Warding in the British Isles

By : samvelg

Plot/summary : After losing Sirius at the Department of Mysteries Harry is left abandoned, lost and alone with her uncaring relatives for the summer.

She somehow finds herself sharing dreams with Lord Voldemort who quickly discovers that she is his horcrux, changing the terms of the game between them forever.

Because not only is she a part of himself that he is now determined to reclaim, but thanks to the terms outlined in a centuries old will she is also the key to him claiming his birthright and conquering Magical Britain once and for all.

And nothing is as seductive to the abandoned as someone who truly wants them.

This is a femharry fanfic

Status : ongoing/not completed

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