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Mom I'm going to go to schol now(calling from outside the room)-zhan
Ok take care don't let your body covered with sweat..... -zhera
Yes² I already know it mom
Bring an extra...-zhera
Yes mom I know I already bring an extra t-shirt(smiles, shakes his head)-zhan
You really did grow up(smiles)-zhera
Ofcourse (laugh's)-zhan
Then you must be hurry better be not late at your first day of school (pats zhan's head)-zhera
Ayoh! Patting my head again(tickles his mom)-zhan
Ok ok I'll stop(laughing)better be fast avoid getting late bye²-M-z
Ok bye mom(goes)-zhan
Ok be back early okay*shouts*-M-z
Yes mom bye*shouts while running away*-zhan
This kid really did grow up(laughing by herself)-M-z

*Zhan arrived at school*

Look qing isn't that zhan_ge the most famous transferrie here? -yanli
So what I still preffed yibo than him duh-quing
Zhan_ge is in our class(shouts)-other classmates

*Teacher arrived*

Good morning class-teacher
Good morning miss-lan
You may seat- teacher-L
thanks miss lan-everyone
As you can see we have new classmates here,I guess you already know who you were so please step forward-teacher-L
yes teacher(zhan and Ning)
Introduce yourself -teacher-L
Ohh it's the famous zhan-shouting from the back

Good morning ma'am,good morning classmates my name is XIAO ZHAN
16years old (smiles) and I am WEN NING,also 16years old(voice shivering) im..I'm WEN QINGS SIBLING

If wen quing and Ning are siblings why didn't they intered the same school at the same time? Can you answer it?🙃😉

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