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Corey POV
My chauffeur pulled the limo Into the drive way of the 2 story house. I smiled baby girl living large. I'm surprised she like me at that though. I got out the car as she came out the house in a skin tight black dress and a sexy pair of red bottoms
"Damn Ayana."
"Hey!" Somebody pulled on my jacket sleeve
"Oh wassup jay?"
He mean mugged me
"Eyes off the Merchandise"
I laughed and helped them in the limo.
We arrived at the banquet and Ayana stepped out and gawked at all the fancy people.
"What?" I wrapped my arms around her
"This is beautiful."
"Let's go inside.
Her arm wrapped around my arm and we stepped in sync inside the building. My mother spotted us and came up to us. She smiled and ran up to us.
Mother wrapped her hands around me but I felt her look at Ayana.
"Corey." My mother scowled "Who is she?"
Ayana stepped up smoothed her black dress and smiled
"My name is Ayana Blue pleasure to meet you."
"Charmed. Corey who is she?"
I looked down and coughed

"My date for the night."

My Mother stepped from around me and began to admire Ayana. Honestly, I was beyond petrified. Momma was a hard interrogator and she wont stop until she felt like it.

"So." she began "How old are you?"
"I'm 26 ma'am."
"And what is you're occupation."
Suddenly Ayana froze.

I froze as Corey's mom stared at me. My job. I can't tell this woman I'm a stripper. I'll be to embarrassed she'll shut me down in front of my son.
"Um. I work in child care."
"Really? That's....amusing." Corey's mom looked me up and down.
"Well Corey I thought I raised you to leave the hood rats alone." Automatically I tensed up. She's talking shit about me in front of my son.
"Mommy. She's insulting you." Jay gripped my finger and looked up at me with glassy eyes. He was ready to cry.

"I'll be damned she has a Son to Corey you can do way better." She walked away with her noise pointed high in the air. Jay began crying. He hates being looked down on. I picked him up and took him to the restroom. He climbed on the sink counter and sobbed
"Mommy. She hates us. I want jacquees."
I pulled out my phone and called jacquees for jay. He gripped the phone and hit the speaker button

"Jacquees. Can you come home?"
"Wassup man why?"
"Cause we at a banquet and this mean woman disrespected me and mommy."
"Hold on I'm on my way."

Jacquees sounded mad I heard him yell at the driver. The bathroom door opened and Corey came in.
"Ayana are you okay."
I nodded and rubbed Jay's back.
"Jay?" Corey reached for jay and he snatched away. Jay ran out the bathroom into the crowd of people
I ran after him. Trying to keep up with the afro puff I finally saw him hugging jacquees.
"You're alright jay?" Jacquees smoothed his hair back.
"Can I go with you?"
Jay hugged jacquees neck and refused to get down.
"Let's go baby." Jacquees grabbed my hand and led me to his truck.
He helps me out good.

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