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I slid in bed with my baby. He laid there snoring lightly. I kissed his forehead and let him sleep. The clock read 3:45. Damn. I slid closer to my baby and hugged him and went to sleep.

Something was tugging on my curls or someone... I turned over to see my baby smiling with a mouthful of strawberry chips.
"Jay. You had breakfast."
"Yes momma"
I picked him up and sat him on my lap. That's my baby. Jay'von Maurice Blue. He's 6 years old. Head full of curls and bright as a night lite. Smile big as a banana. Jay's father left us when jay was 3 months and when I was 20. Me and jay was in a halfway house, Borrowing clothes from the red cross, eating scraps and stealing for my baby. Then I became a stripper. That's when all the money came piling up. And I brought me and jay a house and got me a car and now jay is my top priority.

"Let mommy wash up jay and we can ride out okay?"
Jay smiled
"Yes momma"
He ran in the room to get dressed and I went into the bathroom to wash up.
I came out and got dressed straightened my curls. Jay ran around the corner and hugged my leg we took some selfies.
"Let's hit it jay."
I grab.bed my purse and went outside to the car. I cranked up and uptown funk began playing.
Jay and I day has just begun

Jay and I pulled into the parking lot of Red Robins. We got out dusted off our J's and went to take a seat in a booth. Jay smiled as a lady brought him his fries. I sipped on my sweet tea watching the sweet Georgia sun. A sweet nigga rolled in the parking lot. I began scoping out this dude. Hummer. Mocha color. Waves. Dressed nice. He seems legit. I pulled out my Mac make up bag and applied some Mac Dazzle Glass lip gloss to my lips. Jay had a greasy salty mouth. As if on cue he took the napkin and wiped his mouth off.
I looked up to see the dude smiling at me. I smiled back.
"You're beautiful. Is that your Lil man?" Jay smiled and held out his hand like I taught him.
"Hello. My name is Jay'von what's yours sir?"
"Corey. What's you're mom name?"
Corey looked at me and back at jay
"May I have you and your moms number?"
"Yes." Smiled jay he took the kids meal napkin and wrote our number on it.
Corey smiled and dapped him up
"You cool homie. I'll call you tonight Ayana." .
I put my head in my hands and blushed. Jay is too much.

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