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Jacquees and I sat in the waiting room as Jay was in the back. I was shaking bad too paranoid. My baby don't cope to good with seizures. Jacquees held my hand tight I could tell he felt guilty but its my fault.
"Is My nephew alright?"
My sister Dyana (Di-ah-na) walked in rubbing her fingers through her curls.
"We don't know." I sighed "He's been in the back for over a hour."
Dyana looked at jacquees up and down.
"Is this the reason."
Jacquees cleared his throat.
"Actually I'm not. I feel guilty cause I was rubbing up on her and I made her forget about his meds but I didn't know he had severe panic attacks."
"Yeah." I spoke up, "Don't try to go run to momma and tell something when you don't know the full story. Its mostly my fault. I was all up into having sex I forgot about his meds."
Dyana was about to say something when the doctor walked in.
"Family of Jay'von Blue?'"
We all stood up and the doctor began
"He's okay just a slight seizure. Umm he needs lots of Orange Juice and tons of TLC. Watch over him and make sure he's taking his meds every day and night. You all can go in and see him now."
I dropped jacquees hand and went to the room to see my Jay Bug smiling at me.
"Hayy Mommy!"
"Jay." I whispered "What did we say about inside and outside voices?"
"Oh" he whispered "I'm sorry mommy." I kissed his cheeks and put his hair in a puff ball. Dyana and jacquees walked in the room. Jay went fool.
"Jacquees my man!"
Dyana and Jacquees bursted out in laughter.
"What's up homie." Jacquees smiled
He and jay hugged .
"Mommy." Smiled jay "go home and go work. Jacquees will stay with me."
I looked at jacquees for approval and he nodded. So I kissed jay on the forhead and hugged jacquees.
"Let's go Dy."
We walked out the hospital to her car and she drove he home so I could get ready for work.
I walked into onyx and Mr. Harris stopped me right away.
"Peaches. Full house tonight get dressed and you gotta pull a double stager."
I dropped my trench coat to reveal my lime green bikini. Proudly I walked behind the stage. Smoke crowed around me as I came out to Prince's 'Darling Nikki.' I strutted around the pole. Climbed up it and grinded down. The crowd went wild as I slung my curls through the air. Hundreds. Fifty's. Twenty's. And tens. All flew my way. I smiled and hit a full split at the bottom of the pole. One person caught my eye. I crawled over to him and smiled at him. His hands wondered all over my body. Undoing my bikini top all my girls fell out. I flipped him off and went back around the pole. I suddenly saw Dyana in the crowed laughing. I smiled and went all the way up and came down with on leg in the air. The crowed went fool. I collected my money over 30K and went off the stage.
"Girl you made over 20 thousand tonight." Yelled Dyana.
"Turn up the radio." She turned it up and Jay's Favorite song 'We good' By Dej Loaf came on and I imagined him in the back seat rapping his head off. But I gotta go home and get cleaned up then I'll go see my baby boy.
I woke up at 8:00 and got dressed in my gym apperal. I wet my my hair and got it more curly and went to my car.
Jacquees and jay were sleep when I entered the room. I kissed his forehead and let them sleep.
"Ugh." Jacquees groaned and looked at me
"Hey beautiful."
"Hi." I blushed.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my neck.
I looked at him and he smiled.
"Let me take this." While he went outside I checked my phone 3 missed calls from a unknown number. So I called it back.
"Hey who this."
"Oh hi."
"Look I know this is sudden but can I take you and Jay out to dinner to night its a formal dinner for my job and I would lobe for you all to escort me."
"All right come get us at 5:30."
"But ayana the dinner don't start til 8:00."
"Gives us time to get to know each other."
"Okay ayana see you then."
"Cool bye." I hung up and jacquees came in the room and frenched kiss me.
"Bae I gotta get back on tour okay? I'll see you in 3 weeks."
I smiled and rubbed his face
"Call me later okay?"
"Got chu baby." Jacquees kissed jay on the forehead and walked out.
Now I just gotta check out jay so we can make it to this dinner.

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