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Yeonjun POV

I told Y/n that I love her, and she didn't say it back. I thought she loved me too, but I guess I was wrong.

"It's not that I don't feel the same, It's just- There's something I need to tell you..."

"Tell me wha-"

Before I can finish, paparazzi show up and start bombarding us with questions. Well mostly me. I looked over at Y/n for a split second and she looked scared. I had to get her out of here, she didn't need to be apart of this nonsense.

"There's no secret relationship, we're just friends," I state.

"But the chemistry is so clear between you two!" One person shouts.

I put my arm around Y/n's shoulders and walk us as fast as I can to the car, before getting in. I start the car and drive away, looking back at all the flashing cameras in the rear view mirror.

"I'm sorry about that," I say. I'm used to this, but I could tell Y/n was overwhelmed.

"Stop apologizing," She says, keeping her eyes on the road. "No, I mean, for what just happened back there," I say. "I know what you mean, but still. We need to talk."

"About what? The fact that you don't love me back?"

"Yeonjun, don't be like that. Can you maybe pull over somewhere please."

I sigh and pull over on the side of the road. "Come on," She says, getting out the car. "Why are you getting out the car?"

"Just come!" She exclaims, getting impatient.

I get out and close the door, going around to her side. "What are we doing?"

"Before we got interrupted, I said I needed to tell you something," She starts. "Yeah right, what was that about?"

She closes her eyes for a second and lets out a deep breath. "You're going to absolutely hate me for what I'm about to say. You're going to wish you never said you love me."

Is it really that bad? I doubt it.

"Go on."

"Yeonjun, when I told you I didn't know who you were, and when I told you I have no idea who TXT is..."

I had no idea where this was going. Well, maybe I had a bit of an idea.

"I lied."

I felt my heart drop to my feet. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there, speechless, waiting for her to say something else.

"I did know who you were, in fact I was a fan. I didn't say anything because you already looked like you were running away from something and you needed help-"

I interrupt her, "So you decided to just keep this a secret from me then?"

"I thought it was the best thing to do at the time, but I've felt guilty ever since for not telling the truth. And I'm sorry. I truly am so sorry for hurting you. But now I feel like you're more than just some kpop idol I was a fan of, because now I know you, not just for what you show on the internet, I know the real you. And I love you."

I can't explain how I felt at this moment. A part of me wanted to run away and never look at her again. I was frustrated and I felt betrayed. But another part of me wanted to let this roll off my back and forgive Y/n, because I love her so much and I don't want to lose her.

"I'm taking you home," Is all I say. It's all I can say right now. Because not even I'm sure of what I'm feeling. She climbs into the passenger seat and I in the driver seat.

I phone my manager on the way to her apartment to tell him to fetch me tonight instead of tomorrow.


We arrived at the apartment and got out the car.

"So...what are we...me and you?" Y/n asks, her head facing down. As I was about to answer, my manger arrived in a black Jeep.

"I don't know," I say with grief, before walking to the Jeep and getting into the passenger seat, not saying anything else.

We drive off towards the airport, and my manager starts to lecture me about our relationship, telling me about the article that had been released on Dispatch just a few minutes ago.


Daeun POV

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, checking social media and what not. An article pops up from Dispatch and I click on it to read.

The title read "Choi Yeonjun secret relationship revealed." Oh my, I wonder who the girl could be.

I scroll down and start reading the article.


"Choi Yeonjun had been suspected of being in a relationship with a woman, and the rumors have been confirmed after a couple spotted the two on the beach together.

Couple states that 'the two seemed very close and were holding hands.'

The identity of this woman is still to be revealed."

I quickly skimmed over the article and at the bottom was a picture of Yeonjun and the girl together on the beach. And right now, is where I realize who 'Maria from diner' actually is.

That's 100% my best friend in the picture. So that's why she's been so weird lately.

I hear the front door open and in walks Y/n, sobbing her eyes out. "Oh my word! Bestie, are you okay?" I ask, bringing her to sit with me on the couch. "Daeun, there's so much you don't know and I wish I could tell you," She stutters out.

"If this is regarding Yeonjun, I already know. You're all over the internet darling," I tell her. "Really?" She looks up at me, and I nod. Her cries get louder and she gives me a tight hug.

"H-he broke up w-with me."

There was alot of explaining Y/n needed to do, but for now I just needed to be here for her and be a shoulder for her to cry on. We are best friends after all.

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