The look in her eyes was somewhat not so satisfying and the next moment what she did, took a U-turn towards her to kick the bucket. The gun with which she tried to fire at the officer dressed in white uniform, stole her life away like a boomerang. A bullet bore straight through her skull, creating a deep hollow mark on her forehead and she dropped to the ground. Her heart responded no more. Her eyelids did not flip for another moment. She did not change till her last breath.

This cut the serenity floating in the atmosphere, cracking the amplitude of massacre. Sounds of bullets being shot in different directions rose to my ears. I became panicky as my young heart found it too difficult to cope up with the venomous situation. Out of the blue, my limbs wiggled in fear and the next moment, I found a man being shot right beside me whose body tumbled in my way. Blood spurted on my face as I closed my earlobes tight with my palms and later, a sense of heavyweight appeared to rupture my spine. I found it very challenging to breathe in аny oxygen. My heart seemed to explode at the pressurized trauma. My vision started to blur into deep darkness and I could see sparks of stars out of nowhere.

Clenching my teeth together, I breathed heavily and pluck open my eyelids. Perspiration drooled out of my crown, flowing down my temples. I levelled my body up and drank up all the water left in the glass kept over the nightstand. Gulps of water swayed down my food pipe as I heaved a deep sigh.

"This atrocious dream makes me atone for her every now and then. Why can't I just agree with the fact that she's gone! I fucking want to get her out of my memories," I muttered, rubbing off the sweat drenching my visage.

I lost my family ten years back. My mom, my dad all were only the survivors of these titles by law. I was never a kid whom they ever gave a thoughtful look at, never once throughout my childhood. What else can one expect from such parents though? My birthdays only came and retired like all the normal days of the calendar, perhaps I had none to admire me for once on those days except one.

My existence had been only a mere shadow that I have been preserving through my only livelihood. And it has to be mentioned that she did not stop haunting this little shadow either, god knows what she expected me to ruin in the near future, maybe attenuate the courage I had been hosting to date.

I ripped the pack of porridge that I got last eve on my way back from the supermarket. The boiling water released its vapours from the little saucepan. A pleasant odour smothered my nostrils as it filled the air of the kitchen. Turning down the flames, I let the lid store the rest of the freshness and headed towards the drawing-room. I slouched down on the couch, grabbing a cup of warm coffee as I gazed at the clear blue sky. It made me wonder at times if I really belonged to this world because my background did not at all rely upon an atmosphere like this. The one suitable for me would be a dark cloudy sky with a red spherical sun shining like the eye of the devil and smoke hurling out everywhere, more likely to the surroundings of hell if anybody could relate.

The bicameral gap between the window panes let the golden glittery rays shower on my lap. Fresh air blew upon my face shifting my hair strands. I placed the cup of coffee over the bevel end of the centre table and sat by crossing my knees one above the other. My body posture never gave in to the hidden tactics which I performed underground when it came to a bright sunny morning. I watched the young generations running across the roads for reaching their academy in time. I could only wish to complete my schooling as of now since my turn was already gone forever. Yet I accepted it as a gift of life because luckily I was earning for somebody else's expenses, and I would be happier than ever whenever I thought about that one person.

"Ane, I'm going to be late again. Can I borrow your keys for one last time?" he requested shooting sparkles through his orbs and they were pretty infectious if one was not aware.

I watched him cross the door frame, attired in a pair of jeans and a white shirt. The rhythm of his moves was all the same as it was before. I tried to communicate with the view of older him, sauntering towards me, addressing me as his sister. His little eye smile, wide gums featuring his teeth and fluffy dark stallion black hair still reminded me of my past, somehow that was the reason why I could not fully turn my back towards the bitter dim past. My life never had a good gesture to follow. I actually did not have an aspiring future or anything more to expect from anyone, but he had.

"I'll drop you off today, don't worrу. You can still spend some time at home if you want to. It'll take me only to five minutes to drive you there," I assured, grasping the handle of the hot drink.

"Okay," he said before plopping down on the sofa beside me to which I reflexed by seizing the cup tight as it got titled to spill the liquid in it.

"Careful, Akimitsu! How many times did I tell you not to jump onto the couch? Look at you, you aren't the little kid anymore. You're in high school!"

"I know ane, take a chill pill. Why are you so hot-headed? Look what I found in the school's library."

"A book?"




Hope you'll wait for the next update?
Thank you for reading.

Also if you wish to know the meaning of Rakuyou, you can refer to the foreword section^^



平和 ⚘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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