[book 2] chapter twenty-nine: betrayal

Start from the beginning

On the other side of the door stood Leila... clad in nothing but a towel.

"What are you doing?"

She flipped her damp hair over her shower. "Talking to you, duh."

"Let me rephrase that." I swallowed hard. "What are you doing in my boyfriend's apartment in a towel?"

She inspected her nails, a bored look on her face. "I would be getting dressed if someone wasn't interrupting my morning."

I stepped inside the apartment and shoved past Leila. "James?" I called out.

"Lay, who's at the door?" James said in a faint voice.

He stepped into view, and I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw he was also dressed in just a towel, fresh water droplets all over his upper body. My jaw dropped and I took a step back from him.

He looked confused but his eyes widened when the realization sunk in. "Let me explain."

I glanced at him before looking at Leila, who was smirking at me. "I really wish you gave us a heads up so we could be more presentable. This must be so awkward for you."

I felt tears pricking my eyes, but I didn't want to give Leila the satisfaction of seeing me cry so I turned around and stormed out the door. James called after me but I sprinted out and down the hall to get away from him. It wasn't until the elevator doors closed did I let a sob escape my mouth. With my vision blurred from my tears, I took out my phone and called Niko.

"Hey," he chirped cheerily. "Ready to meet?"

"Niko," I said in a shaky voice.

"Where are you?" he demanded, his tone instantly shifting.

"James' apartment."

"I'll be there in five."

He arrived in half that time. I ran out the front doors when I spotted his car and he and Vanessa got out. "Dani!" Vanessa ran toward me and hugged me. "Oh my God, what happened?"

I didn't have to say a word for Niko to piece together what had happened. "Where's this asshole?" he shouted. He headed for the doors to the building, but Vanessa grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Babe, you can't hit a student. You'll get fired."

"I don't care," he hissed.

I closed my eyes. "She's right. Can you just take me home?"




Niko parked his car on the side of the road and I instantly got out, making a beeline for my bedroom. I didn't utter a word to anyone and I slammed my door shut behind me before falling into my bed and crying. My depressing party for one took a momentary pause when I heard hushed voices outside of my bedroom.

"Why didn't you kill him?" I heard Brenton say to Niko.

"I'd get fired and probably arrested," he answered.

"It's a damn good thing I don't work there. I'll pay him a visit right now."

"Guys, please," Vanessa intervened. "Don't do something stupid. I'm sure Dani wouldn't want that."

"Have you met her?" both of my brothers said at the same time.

"I can hear you," I yelled loud enough for them to hear.

My bedroom door opened, and the three of them peeked their heads in.

"How are you feeling?" Vanessa asked.

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