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As the group heads to the second barrier, they heard screams from the distance. "What is that?", Angel asked as she and the others go to check it out and saw two men, capturing a young witch, and threaten to kill her. 

Angel sees this and goes to help, but Bella stops her. "No, Angel! We can't go out there.", Bella cried. "Why? She needs help!", Angel cried. "Those men are not wizards and if they find out that we're not human, they'll kill us.", Bella replied. "Try and stop me!", Angel replied, as she goes to help the innocent witch. 

"She's just like her father.", Bella scoffed with annoyance, as Angel goes up and confront the men. "Hey, get your hands off her!", Angel called out, as she get her magic ready. The men realise she's a witch and charges at her. 

"She's a witch!", one of the men cried. "Get her.", the other men cried, charging at Angel. As the two men charge at her, Angel remembers the spell that her dad taught her when she was young. "Dad, what spell is this?", Angel asked. Isaac looks at her pointing at the book and reacts. 

"Be careful with this one, Angel. This is the torturing spell, it'll torture your opponents with excruciating pain and the more excruciating pain your opponents are in, it will led them to their deaths. But you must never use that spell on anyone, especially the people you love. Never use this spell on your loved ones, Angel. Only use it when you need to.", Isaac sighed. 

Then Angel, returns back to reality, as the two men continues to charge at her, and she began to chants and use the torturing spell on them and the men fall onto the ground and screams in agony from excruciating pain. Bella and the others were shock to see Angel using the most powerful spell. 

The men screams in agony and so tortured that they both die from excruciating pain, as blood comes out of their faces. Angel sighs as the spell fades and she goes to free the innocent witch and the others come out to join her. 

"Hey, it's ok. You're safe now.", Angel sighed. "Who are you all? How did you...", she asked. "My name's Angel Lightwood and I'm a witch. What's your name?", Angel asked. "Aurora, but you can call me Rorie.", Rorie replied. "Ok, come on.", Angel replied, as she helps Rory up. "Angel, what was that?", Lucy asked. 

"Torturing spell. One of the most powerful spells in the book. My dad told me about it, but I was told not to use it.", Angel replied. "What are you doing out here all alone?", Evie asked. "Trying to survive.", Rorie sighed. "Where are your parents?", Jess asked. 

"My parents are dead. I was only a child when they died. I've been living on my own ever since.", Rorie sighed. "I'm so sorry.", Angel sighed. "Anyways, what a big group like you, are doing out here?", Rorie asked. 

"We're on a mission, to save my parents from a dark witch.", Angel replied. "Well, you guys better be careful, Eva is very dangerous.", Rorie replied. "Thanks, but we need to keep going.", Bella replied. "We need to get to the second barrier.", Angel replied. "I can help you get there.", Rorie replied. 

"Thanks, but we're good.", Bella replied. "Aunt Bella!", Angel called out. Bella takes Angel to the side to talk to her in private. "Angel, we don't know who she is. She could be someone that she's not. We can't trust her.", Bella replied. "Aunt Bella, she knows this place more than we do.", Angel cried. 

"Angel, when Ash and I first met, I didn't know who he was, until I found out that he's Desmond's brother had been working with him to lure me to Desmond.", Bella replied. Angel looks at Ash from the distance. 

"But he had a change of heart and betrayed Desmond for me, and has been at my side ever since.", Bella sighed. "But, Aunt Bella. We don't know anything about this place and maybe with Rorie's help, we can get to Mom and Dad as soon as possible. Please, we need her.", Angel replied. 

"Fine, but don't say that I warned you.", Bella replied. Angel goes back to the group with a smile. "Rorie, help us how to get to Eva's castle.", Angel smiled, as she gives Rorie the magical map. "We need to get to the second barrier. Where do we go from here?", Angel asked. 

Rorie looks at the map. "Ok, I know how to get to the second barrier.", Rorie replied. "Ok, lead us the way.", Bella replied, as Rorie lead the group to the way of the second barrier.

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