Chapter 19: Lucy

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A week ago, Kaius and I got invited to a party by some high official, this time human.

We had to go to make an appearance since the public and other politically involved individuals like to ask questions.

That's where I am now. Kaius and I dress similarly. My dress is light grey and very lacy while Kaius's suit is dark grey. I prefer black but I must admit that grey suits him too.

At first my hair was up in a stiff, detailed bun. While in the car, it got too itchy and I took out the pins. As it fell down my shoulders I didn't miss the looks I got from Kaius even though I pretended not to notice.

As we get out of the car, I notice how grand the house is. The host is from one of the richest families in the world. Corinthian columns surround us as we walk to the door, looking like an ivory row of trees.

The party is in full swing with people in lavish dresses and expensive suits mingling.

Several people approach us and ask us various questions such as...

"When is the wedding?"


"How many kids are you having?"

It gets to be too much and Kaius begins to glare at anyone who approaches us. Kaius leads me over to a table along the side of the room and we take a seat.

"I'm glad we are done with the questions." He says loosening his neck tie.

"It's because of the death glares you were giving people."

He smiles at me. "Works doesn't it?"

I roll my eyes and fight the slight smile playing on my lips.

"I hope we don't have to..."

Kaius trails off as he stares at the floor. For a second I'm confused and then it hits me. Most werewolves eyes cloud over when they are mindlinking. Kaius is mindlinking someone but his eyes are not glazed over.

I wait for him to be done. The only reason why someone's eyes wouldn't glaze over is if they have control over every part of their body. The only reason he would be able to do this is with an extraordinary amount of power. He wouldn't want anyone knowing when he messages someone.

Kaius's jaw clenches as he stares at the ground. His eyes blink and he looks to our left.

"I'll be right back." He says and stands up stiffly without looking at me.

That's weird. What has him so riled up?

I sit there for a bit waiting for Kaius to come back but he doesn't. Strangely disappointed, I stand up and head to the snack table to grab something to chew on.

As I place things on my small plate, I sense someone approaching me.

I turn and am taken aback at who is approaching me. This man seems oddly familiar but I know I have never met him before. He is tall with blonde hair and striking blue eyes like every other werewolf. The odd thing is his facial structure. It feels like I know every curve of that face for some reason but I cannot place why.

He stops in front of me and a cocky smile spreads across his lips.

"Um... hello?"

"I'm glad I can finally meet you."

"Meet me?" I point to myself with a questioning look.

"You don't know who I am, do you." He says as more of a fact than a question.

I don't respond but watch him closely.

"What is your name?" I say after a while.

"I am not that easy Ms. Hannum. Why don't we play a game?"

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