🐁 Multimouse🐁

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"Mmm..... Did this kitty purr?" I pulled from the kiss.

"Uhhhh..... no way." He lied.

"And I thought you said wild cats don't like to be petted. It seems you like to be petted, cat burglar" I smirked and stroked his back head.

"Well for now." He said.

"Why did you kiss me? I thought you love Ladybug?" I asked him while rubbing my hands up and down on his chest.

"I don't feel love, princess. Not anymore. Ladybug rejected me a lot and it left me deep scars" He said with a little anger in his feline eyes.

He didn't answer why he kissed me. I guess I can't force him to tell me.

I can't believe I made him feel this way from the times I rejected his love as Ladybug, especially the roses he offers me and I rejected them. But I told him I'm in love with another boy, even if that boy is gone. If he finds out I'm Ladybug he's not gonna forgive me.

"Perhaps someday she'll figure out why you've been in pain, kitty." I stroked his hair.

"It's too late for her, my princess. My heart is broken and it died a year ago. No one understands what this cat has been suffering from because they fear me as the bad guy" He nibbled my neck.

I moaned a little from the feeling of his lips on my neck, "Nothing is too late. You have a heart, you saved me from the rapist. You're in denial." I said, making him stunned in defeat.

"Maybe but my heart doesn't beat like everyone. The reason I saved you is that I don't want you to suffer from trauma or fear of being touched by men. You have no idea how long it takes to heal mentally" He said as he got off of me and lies down on the side next to me.

"Thank you again. Even as a criminal I'm your princess." I joked.

"Indeed you are. And yet you're still my favorite prey like a mouse." He chuckled and stroked my leg.

"Yeah." I leaned and kissed his cheek, "Just for luck."

"Thank you, Marinette. I better get going now." Cat Noir said.

"Even as a bad boy, you're still the same flirty cat" I chuckled.

"That's what remains of the old me. Bon voyage Marinette." He got out of the hatch.

(Adrien's POV)

The next morning, I was unlocking the secrets from the spellbook of the Black Cat miraculous. I've been working on creating a potion for weeks and it was hard to read these ancient Chinese writings. I bet that's why my father wanted me to learn Chinese for years so that he could use me to read and translate them.

I added the last ingredient of a Chinese fish food rib bone in the potion and it magically turned from green to purple, meaning that I got it right.

"Looks like I got it right this time, Plagg. It should help you not feel exhausted from my long transformation nor the cataclysm power" I said as I spooned the potion so he can drink it.

"Great, so I can enjoy my cheese without recharging," Plagg said.

"And that I don't have to smell that cheese again. Now please drink the potion and then you can eat your cheese" I chuckled.

"Okay then." Plagg drank the whole mix.

He glowed for a few seconds and then back to normal. Looks like he's upgraded. I hope it works because if something really happens to me, I would be dead by now. Plagg went to the shelf to eat his cheese quietly while I put the potion away on a different shelf in case of emergencies. I also hid the spellbook underneath the bed mattress so no one will find it. This is why my cats are like my security guards.

"Good kitties. Here's some milk for you all." I gave them a bowl with milk. They meowed in excitement and they crowded around the bowl of milk.

I need more black clothes, shoes, and possibly accessories too. I steal clothes from stores, not buy them. I waited for Plagg to be done so I can be Cat Noir again.

"Ready Plagg?" I asked.

"Reporting for duty," Plagg said.

"Plagg claws out!" I transformed into Cat Noir and ran on the rooftops to a closed store where they sell modern gothic and rock clothes.

I used my sharp claws to scratch the glass window in a circle so I can open the doorknob from the inside. I even disabled the alarm in the door by cutting the wires to it. I looked through the clothes and shoes to try which is my size.

"Meow" I purred at the shirt that has feline green eyes. Puuuurrrrfect. I grabbed the shirt and went for other shirts that are plain black and grey. Black leather fingerless gloves I would need as I grabbed a few. Black nail paint for nails, definitely because I've seen Luka wear them too. Black pants I'll need too and black converse sneakers. Looks like I got everything I need as I used a shopping plastic bag to carry them with me. Well, now I got what I needed.

As I head out the door, my ears twitched that Ladybug is here. I tilt my neck to the side right when her yo-yo missed me and I grabbed the yo-yo, pulling it hard so she can stumble towards me like a tango move.

"Whoa!" She clashed at my body but I was too strong from falling backward this time.

"I said stay out of my way, especially in the morning." I hissed lowly like a cat.

"I'm just doing my job, kitty. Still stealing like a cat burglar again?" Ladybug asked but I grabbed her yo-yo and tossed it aside so that she's defenseless without her weapon.

"Yes, for my civilian self," I said.

"Watch it, Kitty, I'm not stopping until I'll bring you to justice." Ladybug said.

"Is that a threat?!" I shoved her in the alley but she stands back up.

"Just as a way to prove I'm relentless!" Ladybug said.

"Hmph! You haven't changed a bit, Ladybug. All these sacrifices I did for you were because I was in love with you and this is what I get? Rejections! How does it feel to be all alone?" I asked coldly which made her flinch a bit.

"Not good. It's harder for me to fight alone against the villains. I told you I was in love with someone else." Ladybug said.

"Yeah, I know. And yet you never had the guts to tell this boy how you feel because you're scared that he'll find out you're Ladybug." I said as I grabbed my shopping bag so I can leave, "Love doesn't last long, milady. You already lost me a long time ago. My heart is cold as ice because of you" I glared back and picked up her yo-yo throwing it back to her roughly but she caught it.

"Just wait until it gets a meltdown." Ladybug left me again.

🐾Feline Criminal🐾Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ