Chapter 5: Hops

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Authors note: this chapter is VERY SHORT. (Like no joke: it's barely anything.) Sorry, but I honestly have been having so much trouble with this one... I hate to make you all wait, as well. At least I'm happy with the results. :) I'll try to update the next chapter sooner, now that I got a flow going again.


(Ash's POV)

There were no sounds, but what felt like a gust of wind move towards the box. Yuki ran over so fast and quickly began to unwrap the box at an insane speed. Once it was open, a Pokeball was in her hand.

"Come on out, new friend!" Her eyes filled with excitement as she threw up the Pokeball. What came out... what the heck?

"Yuki, is that a regional variant Scorbunny or something?" I tilted my head. The Scorbunny was different shades of blue instead of orange, but for some reason, it didn't feel like a Fire-type. Something... familiar... but what?

"I'm not a Scorbunny!" The Pokémon's cheeks puffed in minor annoyance. "I'm Hops, a one-of-a-kind Pokémon."

Hops then looked to Yuki, who was... crying? "Are you OK, Yuki?"

It was then I noticed that she wasn't crying due to sadness, since she was smiling as well. "I'm fine. I just..." Yuki picked up the Scorbunny-like Pokémon and squeezed it, almost like a plushy. "...How did you come out so perfect? How the heck did Arceus know about my little creation of an Aura-Wielding Scorbunny-looking Pokémon?"

I tilt my head, trying to put two-and-two together. That's when Riolu came over and patted my legs to get my attention. 'I can tell: that Pokémon wields Aura, just like my line of Pokémon... although something does feel slightly different. I can't put my paw on it...'

As I watched Yuki interact with her new Pokémon (alongside Greninja now as well), Pikachu jumped on my shoulder. 'Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Hops speaks like Team Rocket's Meowth?'


Well, this was, indeed, the shortest chapter I've ever written.  If you didn't notice, I was mostly just introducing a new character real quick. I'm sorry I took so long to update my story. A lot has been going on...

ANYWAY: October 8th marked 1 year since I began uploading this series to the web. I've never stuck with something this long, so I'm very proud of myself. Hopefully you all stick with me as I continue Ash and Yuki's adventure to cure the Pokémon world of COVID-19 and fix our world so that COVID-19 isn't like a time bomb for humanity... holy crap, I almost forgot that was what I ended up using as the common goal.

I'll expand a little more on what Hops is in the next chapter. Cya then!

Also, holy crap: this whole thing is under 500 words. c':

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