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"Please..." Loki's fingers began slipping, barely keeping his grip.

Thor reached down for his brother's wrist, but as his fingers reached his, his hand simply passed right through.

An elusion...

"Thor!" Freyja yelled, just as Loki materialized behind him.

Thor turned at Freyja's warning but was too late to defend himself as Loki stabbed him directly in the chest with Gungnir.

A fight ensues and Freyja frantically ran back to the control panel, only to be thrown back by the force of the Bifrost.

She was defenseless, weaponless, and without a plan. She could hear the echoes of pain from within as Jotun fell, and the part of her that craved war and destruction basked in it's chaos.

The feeling was sickening.

Loki appeared at her side, but Freyja knew it wasn't really him. It was nothing but an illusion. A mocking reflection of the man who had dismantled her world, brick by brick.

"I shall never forgive you" she uttered.

Then the sky erupted into thunder, and forks of lightening tore through the abyss.

Freyja fell to her knees, turning to see Thor, eyes ablaze, Mjolnir pointed to the heavens.

A massive bolt channeled outwards, splitting and striking each one of the mirrored Loki's. They dissolved into nothingness, leaving only one. The real Loki.

He flew from his feet and landed on his back, gasping to catch his breath as the air was knocked from his lungs. Gungnir slipped from his grasp and Freyja dove to retrieve it as it clattered to the edge of the bridge.

At the same time Thor walked over to his fallen brother, who lay dazed on his back.

Loki winced, preparing for a silencing blow. But it never came.

Loki peeled open his eyes, craning his neck to sit up. Only to find he couldn't.

Mjolnir had him pinned as it lay upon his chest. And though he struggled, he knew it was useless. No one but Thor and the allfather were worthy enough to weild the hammer.

He grit his teeth, letting his head flop back to stare up at the dark sky, flashing with the destruction projected from the opened void.

Then Freyja's lovely face came into view, her lavender eyes dark and angry. A look he'd never seen grace her beautiful expression before.

"It matters not what you do to me my love" He said, "It is done. No one can stop it now"

Thor stared at the engulfed observatory before him - at the Bifrost firing towards Jotunheim, gaining in strength, and the surge of destructive energy moving through the Bridge.

Loki smiled smugly, lowering his chin to watch his helpless brother squirm.

"Look at you, the Mighty Thor. With all your strength, what good does it do you now?"

Freyja suddenly slammed the heel of Gungnir to the ground beside his cheek, stunning him silent as a fearful shiver ran down his spine.

He whooshed out a breath.

But Thor knew Loki was right. He was powerless to stop what was happening. He looked down at the Bridge beneath his feet, as it shook from the force and speed of the Bifrost energy feeding into the Observatory.

There was only one way to stop it, and it meant making a sacrifice. One he didn't want to make, but knew he had no choice. For Asgard. For the nine realms.

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