✨Chapter 10✨

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Warning: Slight Swearing

Y/n POV~

It is now March.

Me, Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru are walking back home right now, we're walking through the forest right now because for some reason Shigure wanted to live in a forest, don't ask me why he wanted to, because I have no fucking clue.

I grabbed my house key and unlocked the door for us. I took off my shoes and walked over to the living room/ dining room, at the table was Haru, Shigure, and Momiji sitting there at the table.

I sat my bag down on the counter in the kitchen and sat down across from Haru and Momiji. 

Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki came over and sat down with us. Kyo is sitting at the head of the table on the ride side, Shigure is sitting at the head of the table on the left (Where he always sits), Haru and Momiji on the other side, Tohru is on my left and Yuki is on my right.

"Hey, guys!! I didn't know you guys were coming over, or I would have made some cake or cookies." "It's ok, N/n-chan!! We actually have something for you guys!!" "Really?!" "Ya!! It's a payment for the chocolates and cake you and Tohru made for us!!"    "Y-you r-really didn't have to get me anything!!!"    "Ya, but I want to!! Plus we get to spend time together!!" Momiji pulled , something out of his pocket, something paper?  "Look!! We're going to a spa!!!"   "E-eh!! That's too expensive, all I did was make you some chocolates!! Please don't waste your money on me!!!"  I put my hand on Tohru's back and started rubbing smoothing circles on her back. "Tohru, the spa is Sohma property, which means we have free access to it. So, don't stress over it, it's bad for your health too."     "S-sorry."     "It's, ok."     "So, does this mean you're going!?!"   "Ya, I guess, I mean you went through all of that trouble might as well go."     "YA!!! What about you guys?!?"      "Well, as much as I want to go, I actually made plans with a couple of friends of mine, sorry Momiji, but maybe next time!!"     "Awww, okkkkkkk. What about the rest of you?!?!"   "I'M NOT GOING TO A SPA!!! I'm definitely not spending my weekend hanging out with a STUPID RAT!!!"     "I'm not going either, I don't want to hang out with this stupid cat."     "What about you, Shigure?"    "I have to finish up a book or else my editor is going to kill me."    "So, no of you can come?"     "Sorry, Momo."    "I actually got a call from your school Tohru."    "Y-you did!?!"    "Ya, they said that you were late to pay something, but your grandpa said that he would pay it."        "N-no it's fine, it's just that last month I was having some trouble."  I started thinking about last month and what she- THE CHOCOLATES!!! She spent all of her money on chocolates for us!!! Now I feel bad. FUCK YOU SHIGURE AND MANPULATING US!!, Yuki and Kyo thought the same thing.  "I guess, I could stand hanging out with the Stupid Rat for a day."     "I could hang out with the stupid cat for a day."    Everyone turned around to me, I made eye contact with Tohru and slowly I started to feel guilty. "FINE!!! You win, just let me cancel on Mannabe and Machi."  "YAS!!!"    "Ya, ya."   I stood up and started walking out. "Got to make a phone call."   


At the Spa or *Forgot what it was called*

I got out of the car with Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, and Momiji. I looked up at the building. 

"Ohh, Umm....... I think......... I ummm........... have homework.........Ya............ I ................. homework...........bye-"  I was about to run back into the car, but someone grabbed my arm. "Nope, if I have to hang out with the stupid rat you are going to stay."   "Ya, ya whatever."  Kyo dragged me back to Haru, Yuki, Momiji, and Tohru.  "Momo, is Ritsu here?"    "No."    "Damn it."  "You couldn't have chose a time where Ritsu was here."  Momiji looked at me and did a closed eyed smile   "I could, but I didn't"   "You're lucky you're cute, or else I would have- let's not get into that."     "H-hai!!!"   I walked up to Momiji and ruffled his hair "Pffttt- I'm just messing with you!! I'll only hit Kyo, Shigure, Haru, and Yuki."    "Ohh, ok!!!"  Kyo let go of my hand and I went over to our luggage's on the ground, I grabbed Kyo's bag, my bag, Tohru's bag, and Yuki's. I started walking up to the door, but- "HI!!! EVERYONE!!!"    "H-hi, how are you doing?"  "I'M GOOD!! A YOUNG LADY LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T BE CARRYING THAT MANY BAGS!!!"     "N-no I'm fine carrying these."    "AHHH!!! I'M SORRY FOR MY SINS!!! LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! HE MUST BE ASHAMED OF ME!! I'M SORRY!!-"   "No, you-"    "LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!"   I stared at her, she was running around on the lawn and bowing and praying and yelling. I gestured for the rest of them to follow me. I walked into the building and to the front desk.  

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