✨Chapter 9✨

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Y/n POV~

Me, Shigure, Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru are sitting in the living room/ dining room eating breakfast. For breakfast, I made heart-shaped pancakes with whip cream on the top, a little syrup, and some strawberries and blueberries. Can you guess why I made heart-shaped pancakes, it's because it's Valentine's Day.  I made plans to hang out with Momiji today so that I could give him some strawberry shortcake and chocolates I made for him, plus we haven't hong out in a while. Before we left for school I gave Shigure a slice of the strawberry shortcake and some chocolates. Once we got to school I walked to the student council room and placed enough chocolates for everyone and wrote their names on it. I gave one to Hana-chan and Ou-chan. Kyo's, Yuki's, and Tohru's are at home in their rooms.

After School~

Me, Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru are walking down the stairs to the front gate, we made it down the stairs when "KYO!!!"   We all looked in front of us at the gates and saw Kagura. "Hi, Kagura, I'm assuming you're here for your husband?"   "Yes, I am."   "OWWW!! What was that for?!?!"   "Well, because I'M NOT HER HUSBAND, SO STOP FEEDING HER FANTASY!!!!"    "Ok, ok, but was punching me that hard really necessary?"     "Yes, it was, NOW I GOTTA RUN!!"    Kyo jumped a wall and sprinted away with Kagura on his tail.  Me and Yuki sweatdropped, while watching this, I snapped out of it. "Well, I gotta go and meet up with Momiji and Hatori. See you later and be careful you two."    "Ok, take care sis."   "Will do!!"   I walked a little way and decided to use my skateboard that was in my backpack. I skateboarded to a cherry blossom park where I told Momiji and Hatori to meet me. I got to the park and waited on the swings.

"N/N-CHAN!!!!"  I turned around and there was Momiji running towards me and before I knew it I was tackled to the floor by Momiji.  I sat up and smiled at Momiji, who was still hugging my waist "Hey, Momiji!! I missed you."   Momiji looked at me and smiled "I missed you too!!" Momiji got off of me and Hatori helped me up. "Hi, Hatori!!"    "Hi, Y/n. You missed your check-up last week."   "Wait, what?!? I had a check-up?!?"   "Yes, you did."    "Really?"   "Yes."    "Well, sorry?"    "Ya, ya just next time set a reminder or something."     "Okie Dokie!!"  I reached into my bag and pulled out two boxes that both contains a slice of cake and some chocolates.  "Here you guys go!!"   I handed Momiji his box, it had a cute little bunny design on the box and Hatori's box was blue. "Thank you, y/n. "    "Thank, N/n!!"    We went to get ice cream and catcher up for a little bit. Hatori said that he had to leave early because he had to give Akito a check-up. 

*Ok, I just had to say this while I was writing the stuff below the song MOO!! by Dojo Cat started playing. I'm listening to This is Dojo Cat on Spotify and I thought it was funny🤣 that that song started playing*

"N/n-chan, I gotta go because I have tooooo............. feed my fish!!! Ya, my fish!!! Ummm, I left my hat at the park can you get it for me, just hand it to me another day!!! BYE!!!" I watched as Momiji ran off.  (What was that about? I'll get his hat now and then I'll head home, probably get a boba first, then home, ya, I like that plan.) I grabbed my skateboard and my AirPods and put them in my ears and played my favorite playlist and skated back to the park. I arrived at the park and now. "Know where could that hat be?"  I looked under the slide and checked the benches, I checked the swings before I knew it I spent about an hour looking for Momiji's stupid hat!! I decided to take a little break and sat on the swings "I'll just tell him someone stole it or it blew away in the wind."     "Tell who?"    "AHH!!!"   I looked up and punched whatever it was, I looked up and saw Haru.  "HARU!!! Do you have to do that every time?!?"    "Well, that time I wasn't expecting it to actually scare you."     "Ya, ya. What are you doing here?"     "Well, Momiji told me to meet him here."   Then everything clicked into place. "THAT BITCH!!! I'm going to kill him!!!"   "Kill who?"    "Momiji."    "Wait, why?"    "Well, he had me looking for a hat that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!! For fucking an hour!!! Just, so that I could meet you, he could have just said, go to the park Haru wants to meet you."  Haru sat down on the swings next to me.  "Well, you wouldn't have come, would you have?"     "N-no."  Haru looked at me and smiled.  "Well, I'm happy he did because I get to see you again."  I felt the butterflies in my stomach again, two years down the drain trying to barry these feelings, just for Haru to bring them back up in seconds. I felt a small blush creep up to my face, I looked forward so that he couldn't see the small blush on my face. "Shouldn't you spend Valentine's Day with Rin? I mean Valentine's Day was created for couples to spend the day together, so shouldn't you be with your girlfriend instead of me?" 

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