Haru POV~

Shouldn't you spend Valentine's Day with Rin? I mean Valentine's Day was created for couples to spend the day together, so shouldn't you be with your girlfriend instead of me?

Those words kept ringing in my head.

To be honest I don't know, why I came here. Momiji told me to go to the park so that I could hang out with Y/n, he also told me to act like I didn't know she was going to be here.

I felt a little excited when he told me I could hang out with Y/n, maybe it was because we haven't hong out together in two years, ya that's it because I haven't hong out with her in two years, that's why I was excited, I mean I can't think of any other reason.

I don't know how to answer Y/n question, 

Shouldn't you spend Valentine's Day with Rin? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend instead of me?

To be honest I kinda wanted to hang out with Y/n more than Rin. Is that wrong? I mean Rin's my girlfriend and I didn't want to spend time with her, I mean I used to be inseparable from Rin, I wanted to spend every dying second hanging out with her, but now I just want to spend time with Y/n even if it's just a minute. I mean, I can't tell Y/n that, I'll just tell her that she's in the hospital, I mean it's true, but it's not the whole truth, it's a half-lie.

I looked at Y/n and I saw that she was looking forward and swinging a little bit, she also had a small smile on her face, her face held calmness and happiness. I smiled just looking at her, I don't know why though, maybe because when I see her happy it makes me happy, I really don't know, but whatever. I looked forwards again, so she wouldn't catch me staring at her.

"Rin is in the hospital again."  

Y/n POV~

Rin is in the hospital again.

  "Oh, well tell her I said, take care and love you for me. I'll make some jello for her too, that's still her favorite, right?"     "Ya, she still loves that stuff." 

What does he mean by again, like again since I first meet her, or like she's in the hospital again for more than two times?

"I actually made Rin some Jello for Valentine's Day, I would hand it to you, but I don't have it, it's at Shigure's house because it would have melted by the time I gave it to Momiji and it wouldn't taste good. I also made you some chocolates."   I reached into my backpack and reached for the cow pattern box. I grabbed it and turned to Haru and handed it to him. I laughed a little at seeing the box pattern, I used to always put everything I made for Haru in a cow theme container.  I looked up at Haru's face to see him smiling, but it looked like he was having a flashback, once he snapped out of it he looked at me and his smile got even bigger. I felt a small blush creep up to my cheeks, I did my best to contain it, but you could probably see a small tint of pink. I smiled back at Haru and I swear I could see a faint little blush on his cheeks but I doubt it. Me and Haru made eye connect and it was like the world slowed down it was just me and him, after a couple of minutes, I snapped out of it and looked towards again to hide the blush on my face. A sorta awkward silence fell upon us, I stood up and looked at Haru to see him already looking at me. "Let's go get some boba and I can walk you home afterward and untill then we can catch up. How does that sound?"   Haru stood up and patted my head. "That sounds good."

We both started walking out of the cherry blossom park and towards a boba shop 20 minutes from here. 

"Does Shinzo still train you? Or do you even go there anymore?"    "Well, I go there every other Thursday and yes, he still trains me, sometimes. I mainly go there to check up on him and we spar every once in a while. My turn for two questions now."    "Ok, go ahead."    "Umm, are you and Kyo, you know, like dating?"   I started laughing after I calmed down. "No, our relationship is like two siblings that care about each other but express it in different ways."    "Oh, ok. Ummm......... my other question is............... Oh when's your birthday?"      "It's April 11th."     "April that's in like two months."     "Yes, it is. Ok, my turn, umm....... what's your favorite video game?"     "Oh, it's Call of Duty."    "I've played that a couple of times, but I'm not a big gamer. Anyways, next question, Ummm.......... favorite movie or movies?"    "I like Marvel movies."   I smiled and looked at Haru. "Me too!!"  I looked back in front of us. "Your turn."    "Umm, what's your favorite Disney princess movie."    "I like Mulan and Tangled."    "Umm, what's your favorite thing to do when you have free time?"    "I like to draw, train, bake, play the guitar and sing a little, read, play a few games, skateboard, hang out with you guys, and star or cloud gaze."    "So, you do like hanging out with me?"    "Ah, ah that's three questions there mister."     "Aww, come on!!!"     "Fine, I do like hanging out with you, happy now."   I looked back at Haru and he seemed shocked, but that was soon replaced with a cocky smirk, he looked at me. "Yes, I'm very happy now."     "Ya, ya let's just get our boba now."  I turned back around and walked into the boba shop.


We finished our boba sometime ago and now we're standing at the front gates of the estate since I can't go in because again I'm banned. I stood in front of Haru and Haru stood in front of me. I looked at him and smiled.  "I had fun, but if you tease me about I'm not hanging out with you again."    "Awww, come on~"    "Nope, anyways I should go now, Yuki and them should be home now."     "Ya, ya ok, bye."   Haru came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, I felt my cheeks start to burn, I turned around to try and play it off. "BYE!!!" I waved back at him without looking at him.

(What's this guy trying to do? Make me blush to death?!?! Man stupid butterflies!! GO AWAY!!!) I placed my hand on the cheek he kissed me on I still felt the warmth of it.  (Stupid feelings. Stupid Haru for making me feel like this!!! Stupid butterflies in my stomach!!!) I unlocked the door, took my shoes off, locked the door, and walked up to my room. Once I was in my room I closed the door and locked it. I jumped on my bed and slammed my head onto my pillow. "Stupid Haru."  I mumbled into my pillow, after a couple of minutes I soon fell into a deep slumber and all that could be heard was soft snores coming from my room. My last thought before I fell asleep was the kiss on the cheek Haru gave me.

Haru POV~

I watched as Y/n walked away, once she was out of sight I walked into the estate and walked straight home, and slammed my bedroom door shut. 

I slid down the door and rubbed my face with my hands.

(Damn it!! Why'd I kiss her on the cheek?!? She probably thinks I'm weird now!! I mean she walked away so fast!! But, I'm kinda happy I kissed her cheek, I saw the blush creep up to her face, but only for 3 seconds before she turned around and started walking, but I could still see her that the top of her ears were red. I don't know why, but it made me kinda happier, my face feels like it's burning, and my heart is beating really fast, but I'm smiling like a dork right now and I don't know why.)

The End of ✨Chapter 9✨~

Haru can't you see that you love her or even like her, I mean you got a girlfriend you should now what having a crush feels like.


Thanks for reading😊

I hope you have a wonderful day, evening, or afternoon💖

💖Love you guys~💖

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