"Mom and Dad," Christian began with a proud tone in his voice as he turned his gaze to rest on Quinn. "This is Quinn, my mate."

He reached out and took hold of Quinn's hand, tugging her forward until she was standing against his side. "Quinn, meet Leyland and Stephanie St. Clair."

Quinn's heart beat rapidly as the two Elders approached and ran their piercing gazes over her. It was only the fact that he had wrapped his arm around her waist that was keeping her from backing away.

'Relax,' Christian said in her mind as he felt how tense she was beside him. 'As Elders, they understand the bond between you and I better than anyone.'

Perplexingly, she couldn't sense any of the straight up hatred and distaste they had leveled at her during the Meeting. There was some uncertainty, as if they weren't sure what to make of their son's mate and, surprisingly, relief? Leyland St. Clair's grey eyes met hers and his expression softened a little before he reached out and gave her a brief, awkward hug, murmuring that he was glad his new daughter was safe and unharmed. The gesture took Quinn completely by surprise, and she glanced up at Christian quickly to make sure she wasn't dreaming it.

If Leyland's actions took Quinn off guard, Stephanie's actions shocked her completely. Back at the Meeting, the woman had looked at her with such hatred it had taken her breath away. Stephanie gave her a similar awkward embrace to the one her mate had given, but before she pulled away, she took a moment to lift a gentle hand to Quinn's cheek. She didn't say anything, but she gave a small smile and her brown eyes - so much like Liam's - shone with an expression that told Quinn she was willing to accept her adopted son's mate.

"I think we should probably head inside," Christian suddenly announced, his arm around Quinn's waist tightening. "Quinn and I have had a rough couple of days."

Liam gave an odd cough that was obviously an effort to hide a laugh, and Quinn narrowed her eyes at him. Seriously? In front of his parents? As she watched, Melissa leaned over and cuffed her little brother behind the ear in the special ninja way only a mother really knew.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, rubbing the spot where his sister's hand had connected. "What was that for?"

"Being an immature idiot," Melissa replied simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

'That's our cue to leave,' Christian said in Quinn's mind and he tightened his grip around her and he began steering her away from the developing argument between the siblings. 'Those two can argue for hours. And you don't want to be around when my folks get annoyed with them, trust me.'

Quinn let herself be guided into the Alpha Prime's house and up the stairs towards their shared suite. If Christian noticed the stares and murmurs that they were attracting as they passed people, he ignored them and just kept walking. Quinn tried her best to ignore it all as well, but it was difficult when she was being assaulted by the mix of amazement and shock coming from everyone, along with the distrust and anger she had become so accustomed to.

Soon, she and Christian would have to face all of that again. If not today, then most assuredly tomorrow or the next day at the very latest. It was vitally important that all the other Alphas knew what they had learned.

'Obsessing again,' Christian reminded her. 'Turn it all off for a couple of hours, okay? I think we both need some time to decompress and settle back into things.'

Quinn had to admit that she was starting to feel a little drained after all the excitement and emotions flying around downstairs. It would be kind of nice to put off the inevitable task of reporting their experiences to her grandfather for a few more hours if she could.

They turned the corner into the hall where their suite was located and Quinn was surprised to see Caine McTyre standing patiently outside the door. He turned towards them when he noticed them approaching and his normally serious face lit up like the sun, his golden eyes shining.

Without a word, he tugged Quinn out of Christian's grasp and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace so tight she could barely breathe, actually lifting her off of her feet in his enthusiasm. The Alpha Prime didn't say a word as he hugged her. He just held her and after a minute she felt him kiss the top of her head a few times.

Quinn hugged him back and for a moment she swore she could feel a very subtle tremble in his big body. He'd been afraid, she realized as he kept his tight hold on her. She was the last bit of his son that the Alpha Prime had, the last of his family, and he must have gone through hell when she and Christian had been taken. Until Christian had called from the motel room to report, there would have been no way for Caine to know what had happened to them, or if they were even still alive.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," her grandfather murmured as he finally lowered her down and set her back on her feet.

He looked over the top of her head at Christian, who was surprisingly calm and relaxed when he had practically wanted to rip Liam and Grayson apart when they'd hugged her.

"You two alright?" Caine asked the Alpha General.

Christian nodded. "Just needing some food and a few hours of down time. There hasn't really been much time to really come to terms with everything."

Watching her grandfather, she saw his gaze moving from the bite mark peeking out from beneath Christian's shirt to the almost matching one she had in the same spot and she felt herself starting to blush. The Alpha Prime was extremely good at guarding his emotions, even from her, but Quinn swore she sensed a blip of joy coming from him just before it was carefully hidden again. That meant he was happy learning about this new development, right?

"Alright," Caine said over a light sigh and dragged a set of fingers through his hair. "The sun is starting to set, so I'll give you two tonight. I have your initial report to contemplate, but I want a full report from you both first thing in the morning."

Christian pulled Quinn into his side again and nodded his agreement. "Of course."

"I'll have something sent up from the kitchen in an hour or so," Caine added, before he leaned forward and gave Quinn one last kiss to the top of her head and left down the hall.

Christian watched the Alpha Prime walk away for only a minute before he turned to the suite and ushered Quinn inside, making sure to lock the door after them. Quinn frowned at the locked door. Didn't he hear her grandfather say he would have food sent up to them?

"What's with the locked-?" she began, only to find her lips suddenly busy.

His arms came around her as he began walking them towards his room. The wave of possessiveness and desire that washed over her from Christian told her exactly what it was he wanted. And if that hadn't gave her an idea, the hardness of him pressing against her definitely did.

"Now?" Quinn asked when he gave her a second to breathe. "We only just got back."

The Alpha General let out a seductive chuckle. "Now."

Any further questions and thoughts evaporated the moment they toppled onto the bed.

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