Chapter Ten

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Alfonso's POV (Dad):

Ever since Claris came back, we all changed. We smile more, we laugh more and the most important thing is our bond became stronger. When Claris was kidnapped everyone buried themselves in work or studies even though I and Alisa told them that we have to sit together every day for dinner, they always felt that something was missing.

Now, they all make time to sit together and make their sister happy.

Claris is the only girl in our family. So we're barely able to hold back my mom and dad from coming here and hogging the life out of her.

My whole family lives in New York because we decided that we didn't wanna be separated so we all stayed in one place. We sit together every weekend and bond with the whole family. But since we have Claris back I don't know what we're gonna do tomorrow.

I walk up the stairs from my office and go to check on Claris before heading to sleep. I open the door and she's sound asleep, she looks so peaceful. My baby couldn't get a happy childhood but we're all trying to make new memories for her. My children deserve the whole world. I would die for them.

I walk to my room and see Alisa laying her back on the headboard and scrolling through her phone.

I close the door and she looks up and smiles at me, I return it and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I walk to our bed and lay down beside her bringing her to my chest.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask looking at the ceiling.

"We have all our children under one roof, I'm just so happy." I look at her and smile kissing her forehead.

"Tomorrow is Saturday," I said knowing she'll understand without me continuing.

"Yeah, I was actually thinking the same thing. I don't know if we should invite the family over or we should just stay in our house and let them have their day together without us. I actually prefer if they come over it would also be a distraction for Claris. I don't mind doing anything, I just don't want Claris to be uncomfortable." She said looking up at me.

"We'll ask her in the morning. I think it's best if we invite them over too because I don't know if I can stop mom and dad from coming anymore and it would be a good thing for Claris if she feels tired or something, she would just go to her room." I said smiling at her.
"If she agrees, please don't forget to remind them not to hug her tightly or bring up the past. Just remind them that she's still healing." She said snuggling to me.

"Sleep, Amore." I kiss her head and turn the lights off.

Clarissa's POV:

I woke up gasping for air again. Then I realised that I sat up quickly so I immediately checked my stitches and everything looks good. I check the time and it's 6.20 am. I rub my face and make a mental note to remind mom about the medicine Melissa sent her.

She said they would help with the nightmares and panic attacks and I need them because if every morning I wake up like this my wound would never heal properly.

I get up and slowly walk to the bag getting out undergarments and something comfortable to wear.

I walk to the bathroom and grab a towel from the cupboard getting ready to shower. I know I shouldn't shower this early after the operation but I can't go another day without a shower.

I look for the first aid kit and prepare it to dress the wound after the shower.

I undress and get in the shower turning the burning water on. I always loved the feeling of it burning my skin.

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