love, or a lack thereof.

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Scarlett Jones has never been in love. Sure, she's had futile attempts to fabricate the feeling of love but it was never... real.

she's tried, and tried again with any boy she's met. over and over again it was the same story- surface level attraction and the moment that they start dating all feelings are left to rot.

but as she looks into fins void-dark eyes, with the split second starbursts of exploding ships around them, she realises that she has been in love.

she's in love with the way that finian cracks jokes at the worst of times.
she's in love with the way that in the dark hours of the night, the gentle whirring of his exosuit lulls him to sleep.
she's in love with the way that he smiles at her when he thinks she isn't looking.

Scarlett Isobel Jones is in love with Finian De Seel.

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