Sweet escape

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Rory was fine, in fact, she was perfect. She was ill and getting help obviously but we were there for her.

On another note, her and Kingsley were in loooove.

They were so smitten with one another that I had already imagined their wedding. They already had kids so that was a thing off their list and they were great parents even when they weren't together together.

I sit on the office and try to do my work but just end up staring at the computer.

Usually I was able to do my work, I mean I had to work hard to get into this school especially half way through the year.

I couldn't take my medication because I'd run out and forgot to get more.

I go to the bean bag and open up my emails instead of doing practise questions for business.

As usual, they were all just the same thing, reports that I read in detail every time I had them sent, an email from a manager of a department wanting new equipment which I always more than happy to provide but this branch was milking it now. They'd requested over $2,000 dollars worth of equipment in jist under a month and all under their new manager.

I couldn't do this anymore.

I closed all my tabs and locked my laptop, putting it back into it's bag and then got a blanket from the ottoman.

I went back to the massive bean bag and slept on it.

"Jolie, why are you sleeping there?" Sacha says and I just grumble.

"It's comfy." I whisper as I try to sleep some more.

"Your sociology lecture starts in half an hour." He says and I just do a thumbs up.

"I can't go." I say and I can tell he's confused.

"Are you ill?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I just won't be able to focus today." I say as I bury my face into the bean bag.

I get my phone and call my lecturer.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hi, this is Jolie Sinclair. I'd like to say that I won't be able to attend the lecture today and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to send the recording of the class after you've done it?" I ask Ms. Minton.

"Hi dear, of course. How's your aunt?" She says and I laugh.

"She's good, her Beauchamp boot sales are absolutely booming right now. You should definitely go to one if you can." I say and she agrees as we say our goodbyes.

The happy persona that I had on dissipated immediately and I'm left with a sad, deflated feeling as I rest on the bean bag.

I lied, maybe I didn't feel the urge to take my life every waking moment but I wasn't any less depressed.

Sacha starts typing at the computer and I pull. blanket over me and I drift to sleep.


I wake up, sweating. Maybe sleeping on this bean bag was a bad idea. I peel the blanket off me and get up and go into the shower as I wash off the woes of today. It was night and everyone was out and about as it was Friday.

I dried off and got into my pyjamas as it was night time and leave my room and almost jump out of my skin when Anya is there, waiting.

I just ignore her as I make my way to the kitchen and see who's cooking today and who will be home for dinner.

It's not me cooking, it's Finneas. He was a surprisingly good cook. He and Elijah walk out of their room and also get scared by Anya, they leave her too.

"So this is how you guys welcome guests?" She says and I still ignore her.

"You're not our guest." Mia says as I try to stifle my laugh. The boys let out a snicker.

"Yes, who invited you here?" Finneas says as he looks at Elijah, amused.

She looks awkward and we realise that Sacha invited her.

"Sacha!" Finneas shouts in amusement but Sacha doesn't respond and as well all wait for his reply, we can hear a muffled shout and a bang.

Anya is backing away but before anything can happen, Mia and I are over the counter and we grab her as Finneas and Elijah hold her down.

I send a message to the group chat and Valentina comes running out of the main bathroom a second later and JC gets out of bed.

"Mia, come with me." I say and she nods.

We go to Sacha's room and we search it before calling out his name and feel the wall shake.

How was he in the wall?

I realise that the dorm next door starts their and I pull the window open and get out as Mia follows and we knock on the door of the dorm and realise it's unlocked.

We turn out recording devices inconspicuously and walk inside carefully, making sure the house is clear, which it is and clearly had been for a while before we find Sacha.

He's in a built-in cupboard, bounded and tied.

He collapses into my arms as he takes a moment to breathe the moment the gag is removed from his mouth.

I help him up and take him to the dorm and hand Mia him for a second as I pick Anya up and give her a nice clean uppercut.

"Get a life, bitch." I say as I take Sacha again and put him down on my bed as it was in the closes room to the entrance and I let him take a sip of water from the bottles I had bought.

"What happened?" I ask and he shrugs.

"She said she needed help getting some property from our neighbours and I wanted to be civil with her so I did. The moment I walked in... she... she... she knocked me out..." He says and he's tearing up so I stop him with a soft 'shhh.'

"Don't worry. I'll check the cameras. Don't worry and rest. If you need anything, I'll be right here." I say as I pat the armchair.

I go to see Anya being escorted out and I wave pettily at her and Mia turns to me.

"So, the girls will be staying out of your room. You stay with him." Mia says. "Are you fine with them taking their mattresses though?" She asked and I nod.

I get a blanket and tuck Sacha in and I turn off the lights and sit in the chair. I soon regret that as I realise how scared I am of dark rooms and I just sit there on the chair as I make sure my arms and legs are not off the side.

I scroll on my phone for a bit and make sure that the room doesn't go dark but I know it would annoy Sacha.

I turn it off and let out a very shaky sigh as I try not to think about how abnormal this room without the girls.

"Jolie?" Sacha says and I know he hears me
jumps. "Are you scared?" He asked and I don't respond, pretending to be sleeping. "You're breathing just stopped, should I call a paramedic?" He asks and I just pretend to sleep more.

Something touches me and I swear I nearly through a punch to what only ended up being Sacha.

"Gotcha." He says as he smirks at me.

"Wipe the smirk off your face Sacha, you're meant to be resting. You're the one who insisted you only need rest, so rest." I say as I turn on the LEDs but it doesn't help and I end up more afraid. The universe was against me today.

When the LEDs turn off and I let out a small yelp, I know Sacha is right when he says that I'm scared.

When a small sound makes me fall of the chair, I know that I'm being ridiculous but I stay on the ground.

I just lay there but someone picks me up and puts me on the bed.

"Stop being stubborn." Sacha says as he lies down next to me and puts a pillow in between us.

"I could just sleep on the couch." I say as I try to get up his hand pushes me down.

"I'm not letting you escape from me again. That was one of the worst mistakes I ever made." He says and I feel an inappropriately hot blush cover my face.

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