Robot {OHSHC Fan Fiction}

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"Sorry, sir. It was a reflex." I told the master. Cyura's father.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have sneaked up on you, I should have learned by now." He gave a forced fake laugh. I didn't show any emotion.

"Is there something you wish to speak about?" I asked, my pierced tongue ran against the roof of my mouth.

"I wanted to ask if you were going to remove the piercings. You will be accompanying Cyura to that Ouran School, and everybody there is well mannered. This isn't like the school in Korea, where you had to join the gang to insure Cyura's safety. This is where the best of the best are. Everyone that I need connections with, are in that school."

"Sir? Using these piercings I gain respect and fear from the peers, keeping them from hurting or doing anything to Cyura. It shows my rank above others, and sets me different. It draws attention." I spoke, not defiant, but suggesting.

"Yes.. Attention, but will that attention be good? Will you act respectively and responsibly? This is not a school where you can pick fights in the classroom. This is a school where there are rich and powerful students." I nodded.

"I understand that, sir." He sighed and ran a hand through his greying hair.

"I'll allow the eyebrow piercings and the tongue piercing, but the ear pierces must go." I nodded and took them out in front of him, taking the fake ruby crystals and fake diamonds and stashing them in my pocket to put away later. "Good," Master sighed and looked away, "Make sure she makes at least one connection. And I would like her to stay after school in some kind of activity. To make some friends or something. Do that for me, will you?"

"Yes, sir." I spoke nodding. He went to speak again but footsteps on the stairwell inturupted him. He turned around and I followed to see Cyura ready in the yellow dress. 

"How do I look?" She asked smiling.

"You look beautiful! Are you ready?" Her father asked grinning at her.

"Ah! Thank you. Yes. I'm ready. Vero what do you think? Wait, Vero, you're not wearing your earrings."

"Hm." I replied with a shrug, giving her a glare. I don't need to be reminded, and she looks fine.

"Vero! C'mon. How do I look?" She asked and spun around causing the yellow dress to fly a little.

"Fine." I grumbled. 

"Come on, lets go to school." Cyura took my hand and pulled me out of the house. We eat breakfast in the car. 

"Bye Dad! I'll see you later." Cyura called. Her father waved back and I gave a nod to him before turning around and following after her, keeping pace.

We entered the car, and I held her boxed lunch in my hands.

"Lady Cyura, I have your boxed lunch here. Should I hold onto it for the while?" I asked her, but glared out the window.

"As long as I'm able to eat it later." Her voice wasn't chirpy as we spoke in Korean to one another. This was her real self. The one that she built to become strong while we were in Korea. The one that doesn't take any shit, and can beat up her Oppas or as the Japanese refer to them as, Nii-sans. She was the Hyungnim of the Bloody Rose, or as is called here, gang leader. She built her way up though, through respect and such. She isn't the pretty little princess she pretends to be anymore. She enjoys acting as her old self though, it's her forte. I'm the only one who knows about her two sides. 

Her real self, is the one that doesn't hate me. But I doesn't matter, I will follower her till the end.

"Yes, malady." I said to her bowing my head when I met her eyes, holding onto the bentou in my lap.

"Are you really that bad at speaking Japanese?" Cyura asked speaking the said language, smiling a bit.

"Yes, I can understand it quite well, but when I speak it. I seem to terrify people more then I need to." I sighed as I replied in the same, glancing at the blurry scenery. 

"Is that why the maid was avoiding you like crazy?" Her voice sounded amused and I turned around to see her smirking devilishly, her face darkened.

Her second side comes out when we're alone, or people threaten her. She isn't allowed to fight in class or take care of herself in public. That is my job. I am her body guard, I am her robot. I listen to her orders and follow them. Without her, I would not exist.

"Yes, the maid thought my awful Japanese was insulting her, or something and she probably hates me." I spoke in Korean now, shrugging.

"Did Daddy make you take off the earrings?" She asked, her voice switching to the sweet and annoying one, seeing as school was getting close.

"Nah, Just felt like I should fix them into becoming a necklace later." I said shrugging, we parked in the lot and the driver opened the door for Cyura. I got out on my own and she walked towards the insanely large building. I followed after her, getting the bags and bentous.

"Vero, we must get our schedules from the office, ne?" She spoke to me in Japanese. I nodded to her with a hum. Men looked at Lady Cyura as she walked down the hall with not only grace, but leadership. A few had the audacity to whistle and when they saw me glaring at them as they looked at me, they cowered back.

"I'm awful at Japanese, so I'm not really going to speak."

"Huh?! But Verooooo!! I love your voice!" Her obnoxiously loud voice yelled in annoyance in Korean.

"Actions speak louder then words." I said, and she gave me a smug look, turning from her old self, to her real one for an instant, but back to her old happy-go-lucky type.

"Vero, I love you." She said and pecked me on the cheek as we stood outside of the Office. All the men looked broken hearted around us.

"I love you too." I didn't mean it though, and I knew she knew aswell. Because I will always be a robot.

~ * ~ * ~ *

Anyone ever heard of

Love In The Mask?

That kind of inspires this fan fiction, but nothing is the same.

Cyura Hiyoko

Said as both See-You-Rah (Like the Ra from Rawr) or Psy-You-Rah. ((Both can be correct and are used))


Vero Hiyoko 

Said as Veh-Row

And their last name, which they have yet to state is, Hiyoko

Hee(hehe)-Yo(ooooo)-ko (As in Co in CokeaCola)


If I upload this, it means I have some progress or something because I feel bad about making new stuff.





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