Chapter 1

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The white beach was soaking in the sunlight as the massive wall of the tropical jungles brilliantly lit up by the morning sun. Usually, there was wild life. Many mammals lived here not too long ago and it could be true that any predator was different. Except for one. A lovely white tigress was on a rock staring at the ocean's blue waves. If you didn't know, this tiger was a humanoid. Her hair was white with blonde skin and a tail. She had stripes all over her body and she wore a moss-like tribal skirt and top bra on her body. She held out a duffel bag with an algae covered jar made out of glass. Inside there was a humanoid fish. She was pink with blue eyes, dark pink fins on her head, gills, and a pattern of blue and white scales on the bottom of her tail. The tigress humanoid was named Misty, and the pink fish humanoid was Jewel. 

They once lived in a circus not too long ago when a tragic accident happened. The switch on the train had failed to switch on and her crate was bounced into the ocean and washed on shore on their Island, Madagascar. The island was near Africa, not too far away. She and Jewel grew up there. Misty hasn't roared since she was a little cub. She was a circus athlete when she was a year old. 

There are some special things in the animal kingdom. Their DNA means that they were half human and half animal. From the human's perspective, they could see non anthropomorphic animal. But from the animal's perspective, they are all humanoids.

The sea breeze made the young tiger girl's hair flow though. She could sense she had to keep going.

As the young tiger walked along the sandy beach, she listened to the crashing waves beside her path. Jewel giggled and splashed into her jar as she the ocean. Misty picked up a few seaweed and shells from the beach as she placed them in her bag. The tigress was just about to move on until she heard a voice.

Melman: Hey! Whoa! Hey! Help! Whoa!

Misty pricked her ears up and listened. Her ears can detect the sound of a blood sucking leech at a hundred yards. She also had many features on her body. Her eyes adapt for night vision. Her claws can rip her prey like an overripe mango. Her teeth are sharp, including her incisors for tearing and molars for grinding. Her stripes blend in the jungles when she was in the bushes. And her tail can sway swiftly when she's stalking her prey. Misty lifted her head up again and began to sniff the air. Was that...a person?

Misty went on fours and headed to the direction of the voice. She hopped onto some rocks and there, just down the beach, was a tall crate, with two human legs running back and forth.

Melman: Get me out of this thing. Somebody. Hello? Get me out of this thing right now! Hello? Somebody?

Misty peered closer before another humanoid showed up. A human with a lion's mane, ears and a tail.

Alex: Melman!

Melman: Alex? Is that you?

Alex: Melman, I got you. Hang on!

The crate fell over. The lion humanoid begins to tear off the top and tries to pull his friend out.

Alex: Hang on. Melman!

Melman: Ow...

Alex: I got you, buddy.

Misty peered over and saw the lion humanoid was pulling out a second humanoid. He has yellow hair with brown antlers on his head, He has blonde skin and his eyes are green as limes. He wore a giraffe-like vest with a yellowish shirt with brown slackers. Misty looked over as the lion humanoid tried to pull him out by the antlers.

Melman: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

The lion pulled but it wasn't working. He looked around for something to use to pry the giraffe humanoid out of his crate.

MadagascarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora