Pokemon Promposal Part 2 (Vikklan, Vikk asking)

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AND WE ARE BACK. This is the second and final part of Vikk's Promposal to Lachlan.
"Ahem," Vikk cleared his throat, not wanting to witness and Merome and Poofless make out sessions at the same time. Mitch and Jerome jumped apart. They had come out, maybe, two months ago at this point so they were still a bit jumpy. They looked at Vikk, blushing a bright red. Poofless on the other hand were about a year and still going strong. They ignored Vikk and simply untangled one of their arms from their embrace and flipped Vikk off and went back to their original task. "Come on guys you promised to help me."
Rob and Preston reluctantly pulled apart. "Now everybody to your places. You all know what to do right?"
The Pack boys nodded and ran to their spots. Mitch plugged his phone into the Bose they had set up and hit play. The music in Pokemon Ruby began, then ran over to Jerome who was in charge of the lights. He slipped his hand in Jerome's pocket and grabbed his phone. "Hey why MY phone? It's not my fault you listen to Pokemon music for fun."
"Shut up Jay-rome. Do the light thing." Mitch said sticking his tongue out, while beginning to film the Promposal. Jerome sighed and laughed at the same time "Alright, but you owe me."
"What's that 6 things and and don't judge my music choices."
"GUYS STOP FLIRTING. WE HAVE TO GET VIKKLAN TO PROM," Rob yelled, being always the practical one.
"Rob, they were being cute. Let them be. AHHHHH," Preston jumped in to Rob when Jerome cut the lights. "Shhhh my little cactus. The dark won't hurt you." Rob soothed his scared boyfriend.
"I'm not scared," Preston said "I'm not."
"Then let go of me."
"Noooooooo. I don't wanna."
The boys all laughed at Vikk who rarely yelled and was some what panicking. Poofless grabbed the signs they made and stood in the middle of the gym next to Vikk.
"VIKK," called Lachlan, "Give me my D.S. back you jag." He walked in he dark gym. The only light was from the fogged widows and his glowie D.S. He was walking toward the center when he heard the music. "Vikk what's going on?" Jerome flipped the lights on in the middle. Lachlan kept going forward when he saw Vikk standing there clutching the game system like a life line. Rob stepped forward with a sign that said "Some say one type can't beat all others." He gasped knowing now what was going on. Preston took a step forward. His sign said "But you're my type and you beat all others." Lachlan felt happy tears prick his eyes. Vikk took two steps forward, making Lachlan look at him. "So little Lachy, being that you are my favorite type would you like to go to Prom with me?"
"Oi, Vikkstar123. How could I say no to the cutest, sweetest, and smallest Pokemon Master ever. Of course I'll go with you." He picked Vikk up and swung him around in his arms before he kissed him.
Mitch was so happy he was filming this. Jerome walked up to him and slipped his arm around his waist and pulled him tight to his side. Mitch rested his head on Jerome's shoulder and sighed happily. Rob set his sign down and made Preston put his down as well. He pulled his small boyfriend into his arms, kissed him and said, "Just wait till I ask you. It's gonna be even cuter."

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