Part 1 - Venti's breakdown

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The traveller and Paimon made their way to the entrance of Monstadt, after brutally massacring Timmie's pigeons.

"Wow! Monstadt hasn't really changed since we left huh?" Paimon said, looking around the city.

"Well, obviously not." The traveller answered.

"Hey don't be so rude!" Paimon shouted. "Anyways, let's head to the Church of Favonius. Who knows, Albert might be there and we can beat the shit out of him like last time!"

The pair walked (Paimon actually floated) up the stairs leading to the Church, with the full intent of committing a crime in broad daylight, until they saw Venti performing in front of his statue.

The traveller ran over to him, waiting for him to finish his performance before talking to him.

"Hey Venti, long time no see." They say.

"Traveller! How was your trip to Liyue?" Venti asked.

"Oh you know, defeated an ancient God, still have no leads... the usual."

Venti laughed awkwardly. "Uh... guess you got no leads from Morax then?"

"No he just made me beat up his pet dog then didn't tell me anything." The traveller said, annoyed. "Speaking of Zhongli, he's coming to Monstadt this week! Since he's officially retired, he decided to go on vacation, so I suggested here!"

The colour drains from Venti's face.

"Tone-deaf bard? You okay?" Paimon asked, concerned.

Venti was not okay. He went through the five stages of grief the instant he heard that Morax, who once was the strongest Archon, was coming to Monstadt. How could this be happening?

Venti tried to recall the last time he saw Morax, and if he had pissed him off somehow. Then, he remembered.

Oh fuck. The last time I saw Morax I stole his bottle of osmanthus wine while he was talking about "those who share the memory" or whatever. Does he know? I cannot risk another mountain being thrown at me...

"Venti, why are you crying?" The traveller asked, unimpressed.

"Traveller... I'm going to take a nap... you won't see me for a week..." He said, his eyes lifeless and dead inside, tears rolling down his cheeks. Turning around, he ran towards the stairs to leave the city immediately.

"Venti wait!" The traveller yelled, but it was too late, he was already gone. "I didn't tell him how long Zhongli's staying... oh well."


Venti sprints past the Knights of Favonius headquarters, where Kaeya was training Bennett in the art of the sword. Kaeya looked in his direction, his eyes following the bard running towards the gate.

"What was that about?" Bennett asked curiously.

"I don't know, but that bard looked like he was running for his life. Something must have really spooked him..." Kaeya said, thinking deeply. "C'mon, let's go see what the issue is."

Both of them run to catch up to Venti, following him as quickly as possible. Bennett tripped down the stairs near the souvenir shop, but Kaeya was not about to stop and lose sight of where Venti was heading.

Eventually, Kaeya was led to Whispering Woods, which made it harder to track the bard. Brushing the shrubbery aside, he saw Venti... on the ground!

"...Venti?" Kaeya uttered worriedly. There was no response.

"Is he drunk?" Bennett queried, clutching his arm that he injured when he fell down the stairs.

Kaeya picked up a stick and poked Venti with it, but there was no reaction.

"I think it's dead." Kaeya gasped. How could this have happened?!

"Is it a bad time to say that I think my arm is broken?" Bennett asked.

"Not now Bennett! We must go to the Church of Favonius to confirm if he is dead or not..." Kaeya spouted.

The pair picked up Venti and walk back towards Monstadt. Looks like Bennett was not getting any training done that day...

Venti's funeralWhere stories live. Discover now