izuku | hanahaki

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i love angst so here you go

"hanahaki disease (花吐き病 (japanese); 하나하키병 (korean); 花吐病 (chinese)) is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated."

genre: angst

1040 words

second person pov

you smiled as you waved goodbye to deku, he headed to his class and you headed to yours.

you have been best friends for as long as you can remember, he's basically the reason you are happy.

of course, it was inevitable that you caught feelings for him, about 3 years ago. he never seemed to notice when you blushed due to his closeness or when he hugged you, or how you would admire him all the time. even when you weren't with him your mind always seemed to think of him.

you had grown used to it, but lately your love for him had been causing you pain. it always had but now it was more physical than mental. it started when you both got into your dream school, UA.

/ flashback /

"y/n!" he smiled and ran towards you, his whole aura was so bright and happy like usual.

"hello deku!" you replied and started to walk home with him, you were almost neighbors. "how was your first day?"

"amazing! i was really scared when aizawa lied and said that the person with the lowest score would get kicked out. other than that it was great." he explained, "you?"

"oh, mine was good too. nothing special but my classmates are nice, what about yours?"

"they're really cool and talented, i can't wait to see them in action. i already made friends with iida and uraraka. she was so nice to me, oh yeah i already told you, she was the girl i saved on the day of the entrance exam! she's really amazing."

your smile faltered as you heard him talk about how much he admired his classmates, especially uraraka.

/ end of flashback /

after your classes, you waited outside for deku like usual. you would always walk home together and often just stay at one of your houses.

he soon appeared in front of the huge school building, making your heart speed up and your smile appear again. you also noticed someone next to him, but you didn't see who it was, as much as you tried squinting your eyes.

"hey y/n!" he ran up to you, a short brunette girl trailing behind him. she looked flustered but happy.

"hi izu." you tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible but you couldn't really manage.

"is it okay if i don't walk home with you today? me and uraraka are going to the park." he smiled.

so she was uraraka. you eyed her up and down, you couldn't help but feel protective over deku. you had always seen people as threats to your friendship, since he meant so much to you, you didn't want to lose him. you had no one else really.

but at the same time you knew you didn't own him and that he was free to hang out with whoever he wanted to. of course you wouldn't say no to him.

"yeah, it's totally fine!" you lied, faking a smile and patting his head. "see you tomorrow!" you waved and quickly turned around.

as soon as you were out of sight you frowned deeply, feeling sad that you were alone. you sucked at making friends while he had always been the type to be nice go everyone and make them love him. (with a few exceptions of course)

you couldn't help but feel a bit foolish, you had been hoping he secretly felt the same for so long but it was false hope, your love was unrequited.

/ time skip /

a few days had passed, you felt a bit better since you still walked to school together every day. and you were beginning to make friends in your class, luckily they were nice and you started liking them more.

you were walking in the hallways, hoping to walk home with deku again. you would always wait for him outside even though he usually had other plans, he would hang out with his new friends.

you were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of familiar laughter, you realized you were standing in front of the 1-A classroom.

slowly you peeked inside, only to see deku and some of his classmates, the ones he hung out with.

there was a tall boy with glasses and dark blue hair, a split-haired bored looking boy with a scar, and uraraka of course.

izuku was sitting close to her as they all talked, his face was a deep shade of red, something you only saw when he was with other girls. the sight saddened you, until a tickling sensation in your throat caught your attention.

you ignored it and kept walking but it didn't go away, tears pricked your eyes as it only got worse. you bent over in pain and started coughing desperately, eventually two small petals fell onto the floor. you wiped your tears and stared at it on shock, you were too frozen to realize that someone had been watching you.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?"

your head snapped up, the one and only bakugo katsuki was towering above you.

a small gasp escaped your lips and you quickly stood up, grabbing the petals and putting your hands behind your back, even though he already saw it.

"nothing." you whispered, wanting nothing more than to go home and cry. you didn't feel like dealing with bakugo's bullying, years of it had already been enough.

"it doesn't look like nothing, you just coughed up some fucking petals." he snapped.

you kept your gaze on the floor, not wanting to speak or look at him. you were ashamed of being caught.

"tch. idiot." he said before walking past you.

you let out a sigh of relief and finally ran home.

why were there flowers in your lungs?


part 2 coming soon \(^_^)/

〰 BNHA; oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें