4. - Designing

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    I woke up from my nap to hear someone knocking on my door. I rubbed my eyes and opened the door, still very sleepy. "Guess what, darling?" My mom said. "What?" I asked sleepily. "You get to design your room!" "Yay?" "You and your brother are going to Walmart and whatever other stores they have here. Also did you know they don't have Tesco?" My mom said, excitedly. "Yeah, I knew. When are we going?" I hoped it wasn't right now. Then I would have to get ready, and I'm too lazy for that.

   "Right now!" She said. "Oh. Yay." She left my room to let me get ready. I closed the door and opened my closet. "What should I wear..?" I looked through my collection of hoodies and jeans. I grabbed a blue hoodie and jeans. I put them on and brushed my hair. "Eh... it's alright." I put on my shoes and went downstairs. I was about to go outside when I was stopped by my dad. "No. You cannot wear that." 

   "Yes she can." said my mom who had just walked into the room. "But that outfit does not fit her age. Only moody teens wear that and she is a 4 year old." He said. "No, she is 11 and I think it looks nice on her." Mom said. My older sibling walked into the room, wearing the same outfit they wore yesterday. "He can't wear that." My dad said. They stared into his soul. "Yes he can! My children can wear what they want!" My mom yelled. "My children?! You mean our." Dad yelled back. I was able to sneak outside while they were fighting and get in the car. So was my older sibling. "Hey, I forgot to ask you but, what name do you use now?" I asked.

   "I don't know. For now, just call me June." They said, with a smile. Because June is 15, we could drive without parents. As we drove to the store, we played music and trash talked June's birth name. When we got to the store, we went to random aisles and grabbed stuff. Eventually, we ended up in the clothes section. "What if we bought me a skirt just to annoy dad?" They asked. "Ooh, that would be fun! Yes, let's do that!" I responded, imagining dad's reaction. We went to the 'girls' section and got a pink skirt. "He'll hate us but it'll be worth it." We laughed. 

  As we drove home, we stopped at a random corner store and bought candy so we could start a secret candy collection. We brought the stuff we got inside. I got a mirror, a hanging chair thingy, a rug, and some random painting of a rainbow. I put all the stuff up and watched YouTube.

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