Moving? (Prologue)

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         Sarah unlocked the door to her family's small house. She just had gotten home from a sleepover at her best friend's house. They had tried to stay up all night but failed. Or, well, her friend's mom made them go to sleep. "I'm home!" She yelled. "Honey, get all the kids to the table!" She heard her mom yell. "Fineeee!" Her dad yelled back from his office. She could see him collect her 3 little brothers from the nursery. They were all toddlers but still could cause chaos.

    Her dad brought them into the entrance hallway and dragged her with them. They all were wearing matching stripped pajamas in blue with their names sewn on. They happened to be triplets, and only could be told apart if they wore things like that. As they left the room, they started picking their noses. "Ew!" Sarah whispered to them. The middle triplet, Richard, giggled. Paul, the oldest, stopped and did the stink-eye at her. 

   They made it to their older sibling's room. Only Sarah knew that they didn't want to be referred to as a male or female. They stepped out of their room wearing a black shirt a jeans with a rainbow pattern. Eventually, the pack of kids plus their dad, made it to the living room, where their mom was waiting. The living room was quite bland. It had tan walls, a boring red carpet that was very dirty and smelly, and a old tv that only had two channels. The depressing news, and sports that no one in the family watched. 

     Everyone sat down on the old gross furniture. "So, you know how part of your father's company is in the United States and the other is here in Brittan?" Her mom said. "Yee!" yelled Robert, the littlest triplet.  "Well, we know this might be hard on Sarah and Timothy," They hid their hate for their dead name. "but we are moving to America!" Her mom said excitedly. 


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