Rings and Necklaces

Start from the beginning

"Yeah well, she demanded an engagement ball when she dousn't want to actually get married, just to twirl around in some dress... so if she acts obnoxious and entitled that's what I'm going to call her."

"There must be another reason for it, because the Rapunzel I know isn't like that."

"You know her that well?"

"Yes. She's amazing, she cares about people, she's always doing something to try and brighten another person's day. If she's demanding a ball, then it's not for herself."

"Well... perhaps later you can give me a quick run through. I'm going into talks with Fredrick, and I need to understand Corona's culture and their point of view."

"Yeah, sure Eugene."

"So, I have something I need to give to Rapunzel. Do you know what room she's in?"

"Yeah. She's in the apartments in the West wing."

"That can't be right. The only apartments in the west wing are my mothers."

Varian just looked at him and shrugged.

"Yeah, I think that's where they are."

"What? No." Eugene shook his head. Why would they be in his mother apartments? He rushed off in that direction leaving Varian stood staring after him.


Eugene too a deep breathe before he knocked on the door, inside his emotions were tumbling over one another trying to get to the front but he knew he had to still try to be diplomatic.

The door open and he noticed the Queen behind it. He'd not paid too much attention to her when he'd seen her the day before but now the words his father had said rung through his mind' great beauty', even though he knew she must have been in her later forties, her skin was completely clear and hair still a dark shining oak color like her daughters. She gave the smallest smile of welcome.

"Ah Queen..." He hesitated, not knowing her name was probably a huge diplomatic no-no, but he didn't think he'd ever heard her name.

"Arianna." She told him after a few moments.

"It appears that you've been put in the wrong apartments. These... you must understand... "He didn't know how to explain it, that he didn't want them in here. That he didn't want to annoy them or offend them, but this was his mother space and it felt strange to have strangers in this area.

"I can find you some other apartments." He finished lamely.

"It's you who've kept them like this, isn't it? It's exactly as they were when your mother was alive." Arianna said.

"No. "

She stood back from the door.

"Come in for a minute."

Eugene shook his head. He'd been into the rooms a couple of times over the years, trying to keep hold of the memories of his mother, but finding that only the bad ones from her final days remained here for him.

"There's some lovely rooms close to the library." He pushed.

"You don't remember me. I guess I shouldn't expect you too. You were so young the last time I saw you."

"We've meet before?"

"The last time we came here, it was your fifth birthday, when your father gave you your first horse. You went riding, and fell off, split your knee open."

"I remember, I still have the scar."

"You were off your feet for days we all took turns sitting with you trying to keep you amused, but you were an active child and hated being stuck inside."

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