Chapter 26

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I sit on my butt in the dirt, beyond caring about my clothes, throwing tiny sticks into the fire pit and counting how long they take to disintegrate. "One.. two..three..four.." I toss another "one.. two.. three."

"Hey there killer" Liam says, plopping down beside me. I reach over and give him a small smack on the back of the head. "Hey!" Liam says, rubbing his head. "What is with all the violence tonight. I'll have you know this is precious cargo your abusing here."

I scoff, considering giving him one more head thump before realizing I don't have the energy. "Why are guys such jerks?" I say instead, putting my head into my knees.

"I'm not a jerk. I'm awesome, ask Marley" Liam replies.

I nod my head in agreeance, Liam is a pretty funny guy, and he makes Marley happy.

"Do you love her?" I ask, looking back up at him. Liam coughs, choking on air. I see his cheeks turning pink in the firelight. "I..uh.. why do you ask?" He coughs again, "has she said something?" 

I peer closer at him, realizing he looks a little fuzzy. Maybe I drank too much. I've spent the last couple hours talking with everyone I came across, and accepting beers as they were handed to me.

"Don't be embarrassed" I say, deciding to go easy on him. "She's a pretty lovable girl." Liam chuckles "You're right about that."

I smile at him and nudge my shoulder with his companionably. Liam smiles back and then says "Nick will come around."

I scoff "doubtful."

"Nah" Liam says "He will. I can tell."

"How?" I ask, peering at him.

He shrugs "I just can."

"Helpful" I snort.

Just then Marley comes up and says "Hey guys! It looks like everyone's starting to clear out." I look around and realize there are only a few people left, packing up their vehicles. When did that happen?

"Mia do you need a ride home?" Marley asks, her eyes full of pity. I look back and see Nicks truck is still here, but I know he's not. I looked everywhere. He must of gotten a ride or something. I sigh "Yeah, I guess I do."

"Come on" she says, giving me her hand to help pull me up. We both sway as I knock Marley off balance. Liam reaches over to steady us. "Woaah" he says, "hot burning flames.. two feet beside you. Let's back away slowly now." He puts his arms out like a barrier as Marley and I laugh, heading back to his truck, arms around each other.


I glance up at the sound of my name, and there stands Nick, leaning casually against the side of his truck, watching me. His blue eyes shine in the moonlight and he is looking way too teenage heartthrob for my dulled senses. I hear Marley suck in a breath beside me and I think she must agree. "Nick?" I say, slowly. "I thought you left."

"Left?" He runs his hand through his hair. "I just needed some space to think. I actually fell asleep in my truck" he says, looking sheepish. He pushes off the truck and comes closer to me. "Jesus, Mia, I wouldn't just leave you here."

I shrug, feeling frustrated and little embarrassed "it's happened before."

"Not by me" Nick replies.

I don't know how to respond to that so I say "I have a ride home. Marley and Liam are taking me." Marley squeezes my hand.

Nick takes another step towards me "Shit, Mia, I'm sorry." He runs his hand across his face, "Please let me take you. We need to talk."

I stare at him for a moment, trying not to sway on my feet.

"Fine" I reply, unable to resist Nick wanting to talk. Marley gives my shoulders a hug and whispers "call me" before grasping Liams hand and heading towards his vehicle.

I trudge towards Nicks truck and he opens the door for me. I roll my eyes, annoyed with myself for being moved by the gesture. Nick hops in and buckles his seat belt, turning on some soft 80s music before heading towards the dirt road out of here.

Despite the tension between us I find myself relaxing, tipping my head back and enjoying the wind from the open window blowing through my hair. When I lift my head back up, Nicks smiling.

"What?" I say.
"What, what?" He asks.
"Why are you smiling? Woooah.." I say, feeling dizzy. "I don't think I should put my head back anymore.. I think I'm seeing two of you" I squint.

"Are you drunk?" Nick asks.

I shrug, "I wouldn't know. Maybe a little? I don't really drink."

"Well why did you start now?"

I narrow my eyes and glare at him, trying to look fierce and probably failing. "Because of you! I finally say, "You ditched me.. You insufferable ass!"

Nick comes to a stop at the light and turns in his seat to look at me.
"Insufferable ass? Really?" He throws his head back laughing "you find my ass insufferable?"

"Yes" I mumble, crossing my arms. "Insufferable ass, that is you, Luke."

"Luke?" He says, "man you really are drunk."

"Yes LUKE. Luke sky walker. You are him. You remember." I squint my eyes at him, meaningfully, "And don't pretend you don't!"

He laughs again and looks over at me, smiling. "I can't take you home like this."

"Why not?"I ask

"Marilee will kill me!" He says dramatically

I roll my eyes at that. "Please. Like she's any better."

He gives a small nod, facing the road again "She's different now though, right?"

The softness in his voice makes me turn to look at him.

I sigh "Yeah. She's differerent."

"Thank god for that" he whispers.

I ignore that. I don't want to talk about Marilee or our shitty childhoods. I also don't want to remind Nick of how mine got better while his probably got worse.

"Then what do you suggest, Luke?" I say. He smiles at the nickname and says "Do you have a curfew?"

I shake my head, "No."

"Good" he chuckles and turns on his blinker.

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