Playing Moshi Monsters with Asha'Bellanar

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I've genuinely run out of title ideas <3


Dragon age characters (and I added Mass Effect for fun too) as weird AO3 tags I found on the internet

Cassandra: Author rejects canon reality and substitutes his own

Varric: there's no plot here fake dating is the plot,

Solas: badly translated dead languages can have unexpected consequences 


Cullen: I wrote this instead of sleeping

Josephine: I had to do research about hooters for this

Sera: a bunch of real dumb idiots

Blackwall: the author regrets everything,

Vivienne: passive aggressively improving your frenemy's life

Iron bull: horny people this might not be what you're looking for but I hope you like it anyway

Dorian: did I mention angst?

Cole: summary aside, the rules of contract law probably don't apply to the sale of souls

Dagna: arranged betrothal, followed by weapons grade thirst

Inquisitor: OC: roomba army of doom

Krem: hell is real and Alabama doesn't exist

Harding: Cannon is dead I killed it behind a Denny's

Alistair: dogs with architectural preferences

Morrigan: with just a few cheese cubes, you too can summon an eldritch God!

Wynne: come for the daddy kink, stay for the risotto recipe

Ohgren: objectively AWFUL soup...

Sten: walk of shame, now with nuns!

Shale: fight me Debra

Zevran: melf (elf with a gun)

Warden: sleeping beauty but beauty is a very dead goth guy

Hawke: hot chocolate murder

Bethany: improved use of spatula

Carver: Vick's vaporub used for criminal purposes

Merrill: rated g for granola bars

Anders: ravioli, ravioli, give me a reason to live

Fenris: putting the bi in FBI

Aveline: they're not in love, they're just idiots

Isabela: it was supposed to be smut but then I killed someone,

Sebastian: spoilers for the bible... I guess

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