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Sam's POV
When Max had come in last night, I had just gotten in from outside. I had sat on the top of the nearest building, and sketched the city below me. I knew I was good, I had seen other drawing on the Internet, and I still knew that I was good.
And, maybe, just maybe, I was looking for the boy I had seen when we had gone shopping.
He had been my age, was a few inches taller than me, and was handsome. He had dark brown eyes, and shaggy black hair, and wore black, like me. He carried a notebook around, like me, and his fingers were grey from sketching, like mine usually were.
"Hey." He had nodded to me.
"Hey." I had said back.
"I'm Nick. What's your name?" He asked me, running a hand through his hair.
"Samantha, but I go by Sam. You're a writer, aren't you?" I asked curiously.
"How'd you tell?" He asked dryly. I just smiled, and Mom had yanked me away. I slowly turned around, and then waved goodbye to him. It was great.
And while I was sketching, I had seen him again, a couple buildings down, his back to me, sketching as well. I hastily flipped another page, and began to sketch him. I was so intent on the picture in my mind, that I hadn't even noticed him sit down next to me.
"Hey Sam." He said. I jumped, startled, and closed my book.
"Oh, hey Nick. I didn't see you." I lied, trying furiously not to blush, or say something stupid.
"Can I see what you were drawing?" He asked, almost shyly.
"No!" I said, clutching it to my chest. He gave me a look, seeming to look past my arms, and into my book.
"Were you drawing me?" He finally asked, leaning back on his hands.
"Yes." I admitted softly.
"Why won't you show me then?" He asked.
"Because I'm not done yet!" I snapped.
"Now sit still, so I can finish." I took my pencil out, and began to draw again, making sure I got the curve of his bicep, the shadows on his jaw, the lightness of his shoe.
Finally, I had finished, and gave it to him. He stared at it for a long time, which scared me.
"Is it horrible? I just started, so I'm sorry if I screwed you up!" I cried. He looked up at me.
"Horrible? Sam, this is beautiful! How have you not won any awards yet?!" He exclaimed.
"I...I haven't been to school yet." I said, lowering my gaze.
"You haven't been to school yet? Are your parents on drugs?" He asked, surprised, and a little jealous, I think.
"No! No, Nick, I'm homeschooled right now. I start public school in the fall." I explained. He let out a breath.
"Oh, good. Maybe you'll go to the same school as me. Do you know what school you're going to yet?" He asked. I shook my head. There was a comfortable silence between us, and then he glanced down at his watch.
"Oh my god! I gotta go Sam, my parents are going to kill me!" He exclaimed, jumping up.
"What time is it?" I asked, getting to my feet as well.
"It's midnight!" He cried, handing me back my sketchbook. He waved goodbye, and then ran off across the rooftops.
Then I had gone back down into the lair, and gotten into bed. Max had climbed into bed shortly after, but the silence was crushing me.
As soon as I heard his snores, I flipped my reading light on, and opened up to my sketch of Nick. Written, at the bottom of the paper, was a note.
Sam-You're an amazing artist, and I hope you make it into my school so we can hang out. Call me when you finish your next sketch.


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