Chapter 2 "The Real Jungkook"

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Jungkook , the Golden Maknae of BTS, is loved by all the BTS MEMBERS and ARMYS all over the world! His adorable bunny smile can lift up anyone's mood. In the eyes of everyone he is a happy bunny because of his prettiest smile,his big eyes & his kind heart! However, little do they know that behind this face he is hiding something so very deep! He is full of mysteries, suffering alone and no one knows!


Other than jungkook everyone was peacefully asleep. He was in the practice room. He was practicing while deeply in his thoughts!

He said to himself looking at the mirror breathing heavily, " Jeon Jungkook you might be tired practicing this late but Jungkook of BTS need to practice more! He need to be Perfect. He can't make any mistake!" Jungkook drink bottle of water and looked at the clock it was 2:00 am now.

He mumbled to himself "The concert will start at 11:00 am, tomorrow. So just practice one more time then i will sleep!" his eyes were full of sleep. He lie on the floor to take a break but in no time he was deeply asleep. From years, this has been his only method to release his stress.


Everybody woke up and found that jungkook's room  was empty. "Jungkook is not in his room maybe he wake up earlier to practice. I will check in practice room!" Taehyung said to himself and went in the practice room and found jungkook sleeping on the cold floor.

"Ahhh! Jungkookiee wake up you will catch cold!" Taehyung exclaimed as he approached Jungkook. When Taehyung touched jungkook's hand to wake him up. He felt cold frozen sensation against his warm hands. "Jungkookie wake up you are freezing"

After Taehyung called him several time. Jungkook opened his eyes his body was so tired. He noticed taehyung sitting next to him with a worried face. Jungkook than remembered that he fell asleep in the practice room while taking a break.

"Jungkookie you finally woke up.You scared the hell out of me what happened? why are you sleeping here?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook sit down while rubbing his tired eyes " Sorry Hyung! i woke up earlier to practice but fall asleep instead"

Of course he lied but his hyung believed him. Taehyung said pouting "Jungkookie I told you million times not to sleep here. if other find out they will be so mad"

"Hmm i will be careful next time." Jungkook said as he felt a bit sad since he made his hyung worried.

Taehyung noticed that somehow jungkook was looking tired and said with a smile "Seokjinnie hyung is preparing breakfast and Namjoonie hyung told everyone to take a warm shower to fresh up but if you are sleepy then you can sleep i will talk to them"

"No its okay hyung i am fine. I will go take a shower" Jungkook stand up and went to his room. But before taking shower he opened his locked drawer and took some "pills" for energy.


Before going on the stage Namjoon said "Everyone! Lets Do our Best for the ARMYS! hana dhul sehtt Bangtannnn!" And they went on the stage , with a smile on their face. For them the stage was a place which they earned with their hardwork , where all their worries vanishs in the air, where they feel like home, where they make new memories together with their fan ARMYS.

It was same for Jungkook. When standing on the stage he forgot that he was tired, he forgot his stress and his body was full of energy. He was happy with his heart maybe his energy pills were working but this time the pills were ARMY.

At the end of the concert he was trying his best to make eye contact with as many armys as possible. While making eye contact a girl in the second row caught his attention not because she was pretty but because she was smiling in happiness and crying too emotionally her face was a mess.

"Damn her face and hair are all messed up" He thought and giggled to himself.

He felt emotional as he saw many armys shedding tears because it was the last song so he sang it with everything he got  ARMYS are my everything. He smiled


Everyone was really tired but happy because they had an amazing day with ARMYS. It was Fun. They rested and after that they enjoyed delicious lunch together and than travelled back to their apartment. Jungkook slept in the car as he was tired but he also had an amazing day!




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