A Glitch in the Matrix.

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"There is someone in responsible for the entire universe from the beginning to the end."

Max and his friends were approaching home from college, and all his friends were annoyed with him because he was addicted to his phone. One of his friend yelled at him to put down his phone and spend at least some time with his friends, enjoyed a moments, and just look at your eyes, you will notice that the sights are becoming increasingly dim, "he continued". Max, on the other hand continued to ignore his friends because he was engrossed in his phone.

Near his home, max saw his next-door neighbour's grandmother, who was sitting in her chair, complaining about this generation's youth who are completely engrossed in their phones. She claimed that this phone is destroying the world because, unlike this terrible generation, we used to go outside and play physical games and, most importantly, we used to spend time with our families happily. She was very upset since her own grandchild wouldn't really spend as much time with her because their children were addicted to phones. She wished that their grandchild would not be addicted to phones and would joyfully play and spend time with her. She also wholeheartedly wishes that this world should became completely void of phones. Max brushes aside her with a negative tone and continues on his way to his house.

When he returned home even his mother become irritated by him on use of his phone. She "warned", If you continued to use your phone, I would take it away from you and never get it back." Finally, Max took his attention from his phone and warn his mother not even dare to touch it. Mom was heartbroken and lamented, If your father were here, you wouldn't be like this.

"Now why are you dragging this by talking about dad, He has already died and it is pointless to talk about him, "Max yelled, irritated. Max grew up without a father he was raised by a single mother, who felt useless since she saw herself as a negligent mother who had failed to properly raise her child. Max kept staring at the photo of his late father on the wall and walked into his room fiercely.

After he went to his room he filled something strange on his head. His brain was glitching out. Then, All of a sudden, he fell unconscious on his bed. this strange feeling has never happened before.

The first thought that came to his mind after waking up the next morning was about his phone as he was totally engrossed in it, and he started seeking for it, And he kept looking for his phone in the room but couldn't find it. Then, after a few moments, he observed something strange he notice he can see clearly without specs. How could his eyes sight improved in one night? But as he was worried about his phone, He didn't pay attention to his eyes. "Mom, Where is my phone? I warned you not to touch it," He yelled irritably down the hallway to his mother.

He received no reaction from his mom. Then, From the kitchen, a strange male voice murmured. All of sudden, he felt uncomfortable and terrified, and he took a hesitant step into the kitchen to investigate a mysterious Voice. Finally, the man who had been whispering in the kitchen appeared in front of Max.

Max's Jaw dropped in disbelief when he recognised the mysterious man whispering was none other than his father. The father who died in front of him when he was a kid, is now standing near him. Max was completely stunned that he couldn't speak anything. "what's wrong with you, are you okay?" asked the father.

How did you come back? I remember seeing you die, and where is my mother?" Max inquired.

Father stated "What nonsense it is, I think you did not get enough sleep the night before and that is why you're bluffing here",

"No, I'm Not bluffing here, "Max said, "she educated me since I was a youngsters."

"What crap, Max, your mother died when you were a kid, and I'm the one who won who raised you and educated you," the father raged.

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