Ugh- this bitch

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If you asked technoblade what he was doing, he would probably growl and try to bite you. That's how far gone he is. It's not really his fault though, but he can't clear his head, his thoughts only about pack, protect pack.

Hell, even the voices are encouraging this! So it can't be bad, well- too bad.

-AHH TOMMY! baby bro- LOOK AT DADZA HA WRAPPED IN A BURRITO! help wilbur. WE NEED FOOD. pack starve? POG-

The pink haired man sighed as he rubbed his temple, God chat is being annoying today. But they're right, he supposed, they really need to get some food. They might have to eat Wilbur.

That was a joke. Maybe-

He groans as he remembers the "conversation" he had with Phil a couple days ago. Heavy quotations on conversation, because even in his instincts driven have, he can tell he wasn't talking- couldn't talk.

He honestly should have let Phil go get food. He was very able to take care of himself, and techno and Wilbur might actually attack someone. 

But the thought of him even opening that door made him want to scream, to cry, to rip something to shreds. As soon as he got close, it was like he was a kid all over again, a big kid, but kid nonetheless.

It didn't look like Wilbur was faring much better, technoblade hadn't even seen him be able to break out of the haze. It's really showing.

Wilbur for some on godly reason, thinks if one of their eyes are closed they're fucking dead, so both Tommy and phil look exhausted. The only way for them to be able to get any sleep Wilbur has to be able to feel their chest move.

At least techno wasn't that bad. The only thing he did was stop the two from moving all together, If they can't move they can't get hurt. Whether that be with using his own body to restrain them, or just flat out tying them to the bed.

Which brings them to now- 

Techno stands over the two, their arms tied around each other wrapping them in a hug while they're locked in a knot. Stopping them from pulling away from each other, much less getting off of the bed.

"Techno- mate, please you know we can't stay like this- we need to get food, I let it go the first few times, but we are completely out!" Phil says, trying to loosen the rope.

Technoblade growls. "No. You're staying right here, I'll go get it."

Phil barely got to open his mouth before technoblade was already walking out the door, slamming it shut. The older sighed, jumping a little when he heard someone snort.

"Not so fun is it?" Tommy laughed, he should be worried, but this has gone on for what- like four months now?

The avian groans as he rolls his eyes. In all fairness he guesses it was karma, as soon as he gets out of this maybe he'll let Tommy go for a walk….maybe.

Although he hates being tied here- he honestly feels really light. He's next to Tommy- baby bird- and he literally can't get away from him. Scooting closer he moves his arms tighter around the other.

"You know I kinda figured you being in the same place as me, you'd be a little more, I don't know, sane?"

Phil snorts, before his wings close around them. He puts his face into the other's hair, closing his eyes as a wave of exhaustion hits. 

"Just because I don't want them to have me here, doesn't mean I don't want you here. Either way you'd be here… maybe not tied like this, but here." The older man says darkly, his arms tightening around the other.

A soft, defeated sigh escapes the other, already tired of this. Honestly it's not that bad, even though it's hard for him to sleep because of Wilbur, he feels warm, safe.

And that fucking scares him-

But it's also really comforting, knowing no matter what they will always be here. He'll always be here. It makes him weirdly warm.

God stockholm syndrome is a bitch-

But honestly, what else is he supposed to do? He physically can't move, so either way he can't do much about it.

He actually kinda likes being held like this. It makes him feel warm, so it is only a matter of time until he fully gives in. But is that really such a bad thing?

His inner turmoil is cut off when the door opens, and Wilbur walks with even more blankets. 

He takes it back this is hell-


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