where is my happy ending?

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The dark is something Tommy has unfortunately gotten used to, being locked away in one room without the will to move, Or we'll ability to move.

 So it doesn't surprise him when he wakes up on a bed, in the dark. But he does feel a sense of dread fill him.

'Oh god...they caught me...what are they going to do with me?!' 

 He felt his breath picking up, as he looked around. Yep, it's the same room he's grown so familiar with. There is something new though. 

 On his ankle wraps a metal chain, it's not even long enough to move off the bed with. Though that's not that big of a surprise, the bed is huge. It's enough to fit about six of him.

 Phil had told him that it's so he had more room. They both knew that way of bullshit.

 Tommy knew the reason that the bed was so big was because if those three wanted to hold him captive against the bed they could. Though that won't be much of a problem now. 

 He glanced at the chain attached to his foot, and followed it up to the wall. Giving it a rough tug, he hissed.

 'Welp, that won't work'  he thought, trying to scout out around him, which was a difficult task seeing as he could barely see anything.

The irony. 

He was cut out of his thoughts as the door opened, startling him. The light from the hallway blinded, as he glanced at the figure. The wings protruding from his back-

Wait the wings?


"Ah mate! I'm glad you're awake." The man said with a smile walking towards the other, Tommy on the other hand not wanting to be here, crowded himself against the wall.

Phil frowned, but continued walking. Stopping at the edge of his bed, and sitting down. 

"You gave us all quite a scare. Your lucky techno found you before you could get hurt!" Phil scolded, reaching over to Tommy, ignoring the flinch he received and hugging him.

The blond continued to ignore the other man, looking the opposite way scowling. Until a hand roughly grabbed his cheeks, and harshly turned his head.

"I'm speaking to you tommy. You will listen." He growled, his hand tightening. 

"Why do you insist on making me mad? Everything would be so much better for you, if you'd just listen." Philza hissed looking at the other with crazed eyes.

Tommy looked up at the other in pain, his hands clawing at the arm holding his face captive. As tears started to flow out of his eyes, his shoulders starting to shake.

 Philzas eyes widened as he let go quickly, like he had been burned from the tears. A panicked look took over his face, as he desperately tried wiping the tears away, Murmuring apologies.

"Oh no no no, mate I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, everything's just been stressful, I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it out on you!" The avain rambled as he hugged the younger close.

Tommy did nothing but stared, too scared to do anything else but lay his head against the others chest, as long nails gently scratched his scalp. The feeling brought a sense of nostalgia, when he remembered that they weren't always like this.

 Once they were a family, with a doting father, and two protective older brothers. Those days had long since vanished, now all of the things that would have brought him comfort, now bring him pain and fear.

 He wants to leave, to see his friends again. To chase bees with tubbo. To make fun of Ranboo. Play pranks with them.

He wants to go home.

"Techno and will told me why you ran, that these so-called 'friends' are making you want to leave?" He felt a voice speak against his head.

A spike of fear ran through him, as all of the ways they could hurt them. They already promised they wouldn't hurt him, but those two are free rain.  

And that terrified him.

"If we bring them here…..if we let you see them, will you promise to stop trying to run away?"

Tommy's eyes widened, as he frantically nodded his head, pushing away from the other.

"YES! YES I PROMISE! PLEASE!" The blond begged, he knew he should say no. To keep them away, but he's been alone with these three for so long.

He just wants to see his friends again.


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