Maybe this wasn't a good idea-

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Phil sighed as he tried to turn the doorknob, groaning when it stayed firmly shut. He figured something like this would happen, just not so soon.

Now don't get him wrong- he loves his kids, he loves them more than anything. It's just when he told his two oldest to embrace their instincts...he didn't realize it would go so far.

As he's fiddling with the knob, a clawed hand tightly grips his wrist, startling him. Looking behind him he sees his oldest, techno. The pinkett scowls and starts to pull him away from the door, back into the deeper part of the house.

He recognizes briefly, it's the one that Tommy- (is held against his will) -stays in. Yes, it's his room, but all of them have been staying in there. Not wanting to separate from the youngest, as their instincts scream out to hold, protect.

The blond gently tries to pull his hand away, making the other glare, his pupils blown wide. A low growl escapes his lips as he jerks his hand forward, making Phil stumble as he's pulled along. 

"Techno. Mate, I need to go out. We're in desperate need of food." The oldest tries to explain, hoping there is some sense of rationality still in there.

He was apparently wrong for being wishful as it seems. But It did get a pause from the other, his eyes narrowing before he continued to walk. 

The door is slammed open, startling the two inside as Phil is dragged in, before being pushed on the bed into a cuddle pile that was already forming.

He sighs before sitting up, looking at the two that were already on the bed, he notices wilburs arms holding Tommy in his grip almost as if he'd be pulled away.

Tommy in all words, looks tired. The sight makes Phil's eyes sofen, before he's pulled into the hug. Wilbur holding on so tight, it almost hurts.

He feels the purring coming from the brunette before he hears it. He sits there for a second before he's pushed gently on his back, Wilbur moving Tommy to lay on the right side of him. 

As the hybrid stands up he smiles wide, before reaching to grab blankets, pillows, and other soft things. Techno soon joins in, as they make a wall of blankets around the way to big bed.

Phil quietly sighs before he wraps an arm around Tommy, pulling him into his side. The movement makes the other groan as he looks bleary-eyed at the older.

"You ok mate? You look tired."

This causes the younger blond to glare, although it's weak, it's still a glare nonetheless.

"Yeah I'm fucking tired. For some fucking reason everytime I close my eyes, they think I'm dead. So they start freaking out till I wake up."  Tommy groans out, his body falling limp against the other.

This makes Phil look worriedly at him, he knew their instincts could be a bit much, but not letting him fall asleep? God this is getting bad. Really bad.

The avain gently starts to run his hand through golden curls, his sharp nails gently scratching his scalp. He turns on his side, so his chest is against the other, before spreading his wing over him like a blanket.

Tommy cuddles closer, his tired mind only supplying only one word, warm.

Phil watches as the other closes his eyes, his breathing becoming soft as he finally sleeps. Making sure he's tight against the older chest, his instincts sing.

Fuck, I have to figure out how to stop this.


 The twins quickly walk around, desperately trying to find anything soft. It had to be perfect, nothing else would suffice in their nest. Not with the gold. Not with the pack-

God, all they want is for their family to stay in this house, safe. Where no-one can touch them, no-one can even see them. They wouldn't fucking allow it. 


So you can understand why technoblade was upset. (Fucking understatement of the century) how dare pack try and leave? Away from techno- away from wilbur- away from nest.

Doesn't he know that techno will take care of it? Take care of them? All they need to do is stay in the house, stay in the damn nest. God, what the fuck is happening to him? It's like all rationality just flew out the window.

Finally with his arms full of pillows, blankets, sweaters, and any and everything soft, he walks back towards the room. Meeting Wilbur with his arms the same- if not more full. Welp, at least he's still doing better than Wilbur.

They both walk in the door, the two purring at the sight. Their dad was wrapped tightly around the baby, the runt. His wing covering him like a shield, oh what they would do to be under there as well.

As they get closer their dad looks at them and smiles, raising an eyebrow at the stuff in their arms, before laughing lightly and shaking his head. The action making Wilbur preen.

Techno, on the other hand, quickly got to work, wrapping the bed in sheets, and blankets, adding more pillows. They have to be comfortable. 

Wilbur, after shaking himself out of his daze quickly follows, once they are sure that it's good enough for the time being, because they are definitely going to rearrange it later. Wilbur crawls in while technoblade goes to get his axe.

He had to make sure the pack was safe.

Wilbur, after moving Phil's wing, looked at Tommy, his heart spiking. He's not moving. Why isn't he moving?

He's dead- baby brother- runt- not breathing-

Wilbur starts to panic, his breath picking up as he lunges at Tommy, desperately trying to wake him. Only to be stopped by Phil, his wing gowing to cover him again, blocking him from wilburs sight.

"Wilbur! Mate he's ok! He's sleeping-" 

Wilbur wasn't listening, the only thing he could think was the fact that Tommy wasn't fucking moving-

A hand gently grabbed his face, whining when he's blocked from reaching his brother again. Trying to see him, wake him. God, he needs to see him awake- awake means alive!

"Wil- look, see he's ok." Phil said as he grabbed the other's hand, before placing it gently on Tommy's chest, so he could feel it rise and fall.

Wilbur sighed in relief before leaning over, covering Tommy with his body. Almost as if he's trying to block out the light, not that there's much to begin with- there's no windows.

As technoblade walks in he raises an eyebrow at the sight, looking at Phil before shaking his head and climbing onto the bed.

Laying beside Phil wrapping his arms around Phil's waist, as Wilbur does the same with Tommy. 

Their arms wrapped over the two, as they gripped eachothers arms, caging the two in, making them unable to move. Techno purrs lowly, as he grips tighter into phil, he refuses to let go.

God forbid  someone tries to take his gold from him.


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