Suite number one

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Suite number one, I was told, is the biggest, and priciest suite on the floor. And walking into it, I could tell why. We were given a tour, by a man dressed similarly to all other security. It had its own pole stage, with dancers prepping to spend their night working it beautifully. A fully stocked bar with two gorgeous female bartenders who worked to make sure everything was ready, and went over drinks to make sure they had it all down pat. There was a balcony with a pool, a hot tub, and a beautiful lounge area. Inside were 5 doors that led to 5 bedrooms, each with their own individual luxury bathrooms. The main area was an expansive room with beautiful black velveteen couches, and decor complimentary to that, half of the room was the lounge area, with black shag carpeting, and the other half had things such a pool tables, dart boards, and other games to enjoy. It had everything you could think of.
Natalia stood in the center of the room, posture stiff as a board, hands clasped behind her back, nose tipped up, as she glared at us all.
"Everyone out" she demanded, to the staff that wouldn't be staying, such as cleaning crew, and prep staff, that stocked and prepared the room. Once the room was exited fully by the other crew, we all stood in silence, as Natalia paced back and forth in a straight line, to give demands. "In 15 minutes, you will be catering to this cities most dangerous and important men. My rules may seem callous, and harsh, and that is fine. But it is important to understand that they are not only for the customers pleasure, but also for your own safety. These men are demanding, entitled, and cold. If you mess up they may choose to take punishment into their own hands. While there is high security to protect you, their is also easy ways around it. You are not required to have sex with these men, BUT if you so choose, to take up sexual activities, each bedroom is stocked with condoms, lubricants, morning after contraceptives, and anything else to make the experience as comfortable as possible for you. Under each night stand, their is a panic button. If you feel violated, unsafe, or they simply can not take no for an answer. Use it. But that said, try your best to give these men whatever they want. On top of very generous tips, you will all be paid triple for tonight's hours. If the boss receives high praises regarding your actions and behaviors tonight, you will be given a bonus. Tonight is a big night for this establishment, but it is also a big night for you." She finished her speech, and I was filled with excitement, and fear alike. It was an intoxicating feeling. She lined us bottle girls up, me on the very far end of the line, and instructed we stand their with a smile on our face, and told us how to greet the men when they entered, and with that, she disappeared. I stood there in line, my heart racing, as the room stood in an anticipating silence. The sound of a near by clock ticking, was the only sound to be heard. We waited for what felt like forever, each of us holding a tray, each one with a different bottle of alcohol, and the proper glasses, and napkins, and such. And then it finally happened. The doors swung open, and in walked seven men, most of them were grinning and joking, and pushing each other around. But there was one among them, who had walked in last, that carried in an aura of absolute power, and intimidation. His eyes were an unamused, steely grey, surrounded by prominent black lashes. His hair, thick and dark, tousled in a fashionable way, his features were strong and distinct, and his height was insane. He was massive, nearing what I could swear was about 6'7" and his fit, muscular body, was incased in a suit that looked so expensive I would be afraid to even touch it. He stood in front of us, looking down the line of women, as if taking in each one with consideration. His eyes met mine, and I smiled cheerfully at him. His expression didn't change, but his eye contact lasted long enough that my breath hitched. My hands began to feel unsteady, like I might drop my tray, and that's when the nerves came back. He stared a moment longer, and walked away. I released the breath I was holding and smiled at the other men as well, greeting them cheerfully, as they led us all to the lounging area, we began pouring glasses, and soon the room was filled with music and laughter, as we flirted and cheered, and did shots, and the dancers put on a show. I watched in amusement as I took in the activities around me. All of the men seemed to be having a good time, except the man I've come to realize is there boss. He sat alone, slouched on one of the couches, his jacket had been removed, his sleeves rolled up, to expose muscular, tanned Forearms, and his top few shirt bottoms undone, exposing a distinct collar bones. He sat with his huge arms rested along the back of the couch. Only then did I notice the guns holstered under his arms. I took in the other men, realizing they too, had guns holstered in places on their bodies. I looked back over at him, while he seemed to also examine the room. I was the only one not paired to a gentleman at the moment, and I realized then, that it was going to have to be me, that approached him. My stomach turned, and my legs felt shaky, but I approached him none the less. His eyes immediately trained on me, the second I began to walk towards him. I took a shaky breath, and smiled as I stood in front of him, his eyes running me up and down, before locking with mine once again.
"What?" He asked sternly.
"I noticed you don't have a drink." I said meekly "Is there something else to your liking, that I can get for you?"
He stared at me for what seemed like hours, before he answered "I'm fine, thank you." He then looked away again. The silence was awkward, so I sat perched on the edge of the couch beside him, and he looked back at me curiously "I didn't say you could sit there"
I felt my heart stop, but I had to make sure this man was happy with the service, it was important.
"You didn't say I couldn't, either." I said with a playful smile. He stared yet again, and then a small smirk played at the corners of his beautiful lips.
"You're an odd little thing, Red" he said matter of factly.
"Am I?" I could feel my smile drop some, and he seemed to notice as well.
"Look at your friends." He nodded towards the other. "Notice how they throw themselves at my men. Hands groping, laughing at every joke, and pretending they care?"
I watched what he meant, but didn't speak, as I looked back at him, and listened to him speak "Your job is to make men feel special. To pretend to care, to act like they're the best thing in the world. But that's all it is. An act." He spoke in a bored tone "You, however, are not a very good actress."
I was a little hurt by his words, but he wasn't wrong.
"I don't see the need to act." I admitted as I looked around "I think honesty, and genuine conversation are more important."
"Then you're selling the best parts of you." He stated, and stood up. I peered up at him in confusion, but again, I didn't speak. He stared at me with an annoyed face. "Come." He demanded and walked away. I followed behind him, as he walked towards one of the bedrooms. Oh, no.....not this.

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