chapter 8

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Sapnap and Quackity both needed to stop by their places to grab stuff to stay overnight; Quackity's was the first stop. He got out of the car and noticed his mothers car was gone. Already? Damn woman it's not even 4pm yet! He thought to himself as he entered the house he so very dreaded.

He walked upstairs and grabbed a solid color black bag from the closet he hadn't used since his junior high years. Karl had told them he had pillows and blankets at his house so all Quackity really needed was clothes and his phone charger. He rummaged through his closet and drawers before finding an oversized hoodie to sleep in and an outfit for the following morning. He then snatched up his charger and headed back to the car.

Immediately after entering the car, a stray chicken nugget hit him square in the face. "What. The. Fuck," He deadpanned, looking to see who had just thrown a practical delicacy at his face. Sapnap and Karl burst out laughing. "Still doesn't answer my question," Quackity stated, picking the nugget up from the seat and plopping it in his mouth.

"IT WAS SAPNAP!!!" Karl cried out through his fits of laughter.

"Was not!!!" Sapnap shot back, also while laughing.

After composing themselves, Sapnap confessed to throwing the nugget and apologized. They drove to Sapnap's place next, Sapnap taking the trash out of the car due to the trio finishing their late lunch.

Leaving just Karl and Quackity in the car.

"Hey I'm sorry about what happened earlier. You sure you're ok?" Karl asked, genuine care lacing his voice as he took his eyes off his phone and placed his gaze on Quackity. "Y-yeah I'm ok... Sorry for spacing out back there," Quackity stared down at his hands. Usually when he spaced out at home it would end in his mother slapping him across the face, so he gained a habit of apologizing for it. "Hey," Karl started, cupping Quackity's cheek in his hand and making eye contact with the other male. "It's ok, you don't have to apologize for that! Your brain was in its own place and not present to the world around you. We all do that! It's nothing to apologize for," Karl finished, smiling sweetly at the smaller boy.

Just then Sapnap entered the car with a bag full of clothes that he set down next to him in the passenger seat. "Both my dads say hello by the way! Mainly to Karl but Skeppy says hi to you too Quackity,"

Bad and Quackity had never really had the best relationship so it's no surprise he wouldn't say hello. Him and Skeppy however, were a completely different story. Skeppy was like the father Quackity never had, and Quackity was grateful for that. He felt like a legitimate parental figure he could talk about teenage problems to! And boy did they have some late night conversations.

They pulled up to Karl's, Karl being the first one to get out and fumbling with the keys before he finally managed to get the right one and shoved it in the key hole. He led the two boys inside and Quackity gawked at how pretty his house was. His house didn't look like a rich person's house from the outside, but definitely looked like one from the inside.

Fancy marble countertops and expensive looking couches, giant mounted tvs and big silky rugs, and of course, an extravagant looking staircase. Sapnap and Karl chuckled at Quackity's amazement before leading him up to Karl's room where he and Sapnap left their bags.

The bed was big, a king size, with pillows, plushies, and blankets sprawled across it. He had a few bean bags tossed carelessly in his room and a walk-in closet that was so big you could almost get lost in it. On the walls hung a large pansexual flag and a few photos here and there. One photo caught Quackity's attention: the photo being a picture Sapnap took of the three of them playing in a stream not too far from the local park from the summer prior.

In the photo, Karl held a panicked Quackity above the water, preparing to throw him in while he himself was knee deep in the freezing water. Sapnap held his phone like he was prepairing to take a selfie but far enough away from his face to capture the two men in the background, all the while a dopey grin plastered onto his face.

Quackity remembered that day. He remembered the three running home late at night absolutely soaked, just laughing the whole way home. He remembered the stray dog they had found on the way home that they spent at least 30 minutes admiring and petting, and he certainly remembered falling asleep that night feeling like he was wanted somewhere.

He loved those dorks.

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