Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3: The Golden Vampire Princess

Hajimes gets up with the spike still on his back in pain and then

Yue: Hajime

Alonso: Hajime you alright

Hajime grab a container of holy water and pours it on his wounds and then Alonso and Yue went behind him to get the spikes off of him

Hajime: I let my guard down were did they come from

Alonso: That Thing up there

And then they saw a creature above it was a giant scorpion like creature but it looked like a scorpion but different than the other types of scorpions back on Earth and then it was a major threat to them

Hajime: let me guess I supposed to think that thing is supposed to keep you here correct

Yue: *Nodded*

Alonso: *Smirks* Alright then *Grabs his Assault Rifle* Well she's getting out here no matter what

Hajime throws his fur pelt on her

Hajime: you have to wear something

And then She covers her chest

Yue: Don't look at me like that

And then Hajime put a holy word container in her mouth he bends down and ask her to get on his back

Hajime: hang on to me and don't let go you here

Yue: *Nodded*

Then the Giants scorpion falls to the ground

Alonso: Alright let's do this

Hajime: all right ugly you better stay out of our way or you going to be our dinner


And then the bottle has started against the scorpion Alonso started using a quick step the circle around the scorpion then started shooting at it and when the bullets hit it it didn't leave a scratch on it

Alonso: Nagumo that thing has some thicker armor it's almost compared to a Tiger Tank

And then a scorpion shot a venomous blast at them as they ran and then avoid another place by taking to the air and then it reacted and used one of his tails and sharp Spike projectiles and then they both deflected them as they were falling to the ground they started attacking his head again but still no damage at the Landing Hajime what's the gun in his mouth and then those are flash Bank just stung it and then after he went to cover he reloads his revolver except for Alonso you only have 40 bullets left in the magazine and then before the scorpion went on a rampage and used his claws trying to flatted them into the ground and that rocks were everywhere they both use Quick Step to make it through and then make a jump to the air again and then continue firing at the head after Alonso was continuing with firing his M5A3 Assault Rifle the magazine was empty and then he has to hide somewhere

Alonso: Nagumo I'm Reloading try to distract it my bullets still cannot penetrate that armor

Hajime: Right, We got to find a way to correct that shell if we're going to have to take this thing down

And then Yue gets off of his back and raps the fur pelt around her as she stands in front of him Hajime was trying to figure out what she was doing but she reaches towards him and bites him near his neck and she did that rock formations started forming around him and Yue that's strangely the formations started crumbly as they were

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