Chapter 3: ???

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A young student was on his way home, walking alone through the city. He kept his head down with earbuds in his ears. It has always been a decent life for him. His father was a retired security officer along with the family dog while his mother was a housewife taking care of his baby sister.

Jason: I'm home!

Emily (Jason's Mother): I'm in the kitchen!

His father wasn't there meaning that he was out. Probably walking the family dog, Reggie, around the block. Their house was big. Different from the other complexes in the city. Jason's dad actually saved enough for an open area to build the house outside the city. Jason's baby sister, Rachel, was sleeping soundly in her crib as he saw his mom making dinner. From the looks of it, it was Cream Stew.

Jason: Hey, mom.

Emily (Jason's Mother): Hi sweetie. Dinner should be ready soon. Can you go get your brother?

Jason went upstairs to his brother's room. His brother and him were very close. They were like two jumping brothers. They had each other's backs and did a lot together when they were kids.

Jason: Hey! Dinner is ready.

His brother was on his Scroll playing some kind of fighting game, which in all honesty Jason have no idea why it became so popular.

Ryan: Give me a second. (goes to his headset) Okay guys, I have to go. See ya in a bit.

He turns off his game as the two went downstairs for dinner. By now, their father and Reggie should've be back from their stroll. The two all sat at the table with bowels of Cream Stew. Reggie and Jack were enjoying their dinner. Out of every kind of cooking nothing could beat their mother's.

Radley (Jason's Father): So, Jason, how was school?

Jason: Went well. Nothing special happened.

Ryan: Not even with Athena~

Jason: Shut up!

Ryan: What? All I'm saying is that you two should do something together.

Jason: I don't see you dating anytime soon.

Ryan: Hey, I'm still waiting.

Emily (Jason's Mother): Alright you two. That's enough.

Rachel just laughs at the boy's scuffle as did everyone else. After dinner, Jason went to his room. His childhood friend, Athena Milika, was busy with her job at the police force, so he had nothing to do. His throat started to feel dry, so he went down for a drink, but stopped when Jason saw the door to his dad's office open. His father usually uses his office for his work back when they were still in Big City. There were newspapers, a desk, and some books. It was like any detective office in those old shows. Actually it looked more like Commissioner Gordon's office in Batman. His father doesn't allow anyone into his office unless it was for emergency reasons like homework, dinner, or guests. There was a photo, Jason picked it up as it was of him back in his younger days. Jason put it back where it was as the bookshelf shifted revealing an old elevator lift.

Jason: Woah.

Out of curiosity, Jason entered the lift as it lead to an underground lair. Walls aligned with old newspapers and maps along with some monitors.

Jason: This looks like a detective agency. Wait... then that means- AGH.

He turns around quickly to see his father and Reggie. And his father was not very happy.

Radley (Jason's Father): GET OUT.

Jason never saw his father this angry before even if Jack wakes him up from a nap or something.

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