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"You've been waiting for her for 5 years!" I violently whispered, choking back my tears. "You still believe she's worth holding on to?"

He doesn't look at me. His fists were clenching and he was keeping the pressure to himself. "I'm not giving up on her, I know she's worth it and I love her way too damn much to give it up."

This has been one of the first disagreements Grant and I have had, having our adrenaline go out of control.

I just couldn't take it anymore, no matter how hard I try. The girl he's rooting for doesn't give a single flying shit on the things he does for her. As for me? He treats me the exact opposite. Compare me to a trash disposal and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.

I'm sick of defending him and caring for every single move he makes.

I'm tired of all the effort I put into this...this... whatever you called it.

I'm fucking done being the one fighting for everything.

I stand blankly at his face, with tension and frustration.

I grab the cold hard knob of his door, making it turn. I don't face him. "Maybe I don't know her like you do. Perhaps I know nothing about her, or how she acts."

I turn around, my eyes focused on his. "But what I do know is that she couldn't give less a fuck about you. If she actually had feelings for you, it wouldn't take that long for her to realize. Just saying." I slam the door shut.

I give up.

I fucking give up.

He gave me false hope and didn't stop me.

I'm sick of trying to let him know we could be worth it.

He's not worth it.

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