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Meredith had been in daycare since the day before. Her mom was probably stuck with big trauma's and surgeries so she stayed in daycare. She was happy she finally could come here again and soon enough she would start at her new school

"Meredith?" She heard Carolyn's voice

"Hi" Meredith smiled from the bed she was in

"I heard someone saying that you were here so I came to see you" She smiled

"Mommy's in surgery" Meredith told Carolyn quietly

"Wow, Meredith! Your speech has improved so much" Carolyn smiled

"Thanks" She giggled

"I bet you're excited to start school again" Carolyn said

"A bit but I know Amy and Mark and Derek" She smiled

"Mark and Derek are in another class but you'll see them more often" Carolyn explained

"I miss them" Meredith sighed and pulled the covers over her head

"Hey, sweetie. Don't, it's just me" Carolyn tried to stop her from hiding

"I don't wanna be sick" Meredith said

"I know but you're in remission now. No more chemo, no more treatments" Carolyn whispered

"That's good" Meredith quietly said

"I have to go now, make sure you sleep enough, dear. Bye bye and good luck later today" Carolyn waved as she left daycare


"Meredith, are you ready? Your mom is here to pick you up" Olivia said

"I think" She said and followed to the exit

"Ah, Meredith. There you are" Ellis said as she was holding Meredith's backpack and jacket "Here"

Meredith put on her jacket and backpack as quick as possible but struggled a bit

"It's okay, just leave it open" Ellis said and took Meredith to the car

Meredith tried to buckle herself in but she still found she had some difficulties with her hands from time to time "Mommy?" She quietly whispered

"What's wrong Meredith?" Ellis asked as if she was in a hurry

"Uh- can you help?" Meredith asked

Ellis sighed but turned around and buckled the little girl into the car seat and drove home. When they arrived home, Meredith went to lay down on the couch without taking off her shoes and jacket as she went to lay down on the couch

"Meredith, you need to eat lunch first" Ellis said

"Not hungry" She whispered and drifted off to sleep

Ellis placed a sandwich on the table in front of Meredith before leaving to her office


When Meredith opened her eyes, she saw the sandwich and took a few bites before placing it back on the plate

She had no idea if her mom was still here so she went out to see who was in the house. Meredith gently knocked on the door of Ellis' office

"Meredith?" Ellis' voice was heard

"Oh-" Meredith gasped "It's okay" Meredith said and left again but as she walked away she heard the office door opening

"Did you need something?" Ellis asked

"I didn't know if you were home" Meredith said as she looked at the floor

"Oh, yeah.. I'm not supposed to go in before the morning" Ellis smiled and went back inside as Meredith went upstairs to her room

She started playing with some dolls on the floor until her head started to itch again

She slowly walked over to the mirror in Ellis' room and took off the scarf that was wrapped around her head

She smiled as she saw some peach fuzz appearing on her head. It looked blonder than her hair before

"Meredith, are you here?" Ellis asked as she entered her own bedroom

"Mommy, look!" Meredith pointed at her head "It's growing" She smiled

"Oh-" Ellis gasped, not really knowing what to say

"Mommy, that's great!" Meredith jumped up and down when Ellis' cell phone started ringing

"Hello, Dr Grey speaking" She answered the phone "Oh- yeah.. right.." Ellis spoke quietly "Can we reschedule?"

Meredith didn't really follow the conversation and was lost in thoughts as she was looking at herself in the mirror

"Right.. now?" Ellis sounded surprised "Okay. See you in half an hour" Ellis said and hung up the phone "Meredith, can you get yourself ready?"

Meredith looked confused but decided to do what her mom said and went downstairs to put on her jacket and shoes

"Meredith, where's your scarf?" Ellis asked as she grabbed her purse

Meredith shrugged in response and started fidgeting with her hands

"Here, this will be good too" Ellis handed her another scarf and wrapped it around the little girl's hand "Let's go"

"Mommy, where are we going?" Meredith asked confused as Ellis grabbed the hand of the little girl

"We have your appointment at the doctor.. I- I forgot" Ellis was quiet

"Oh-" Meredith gasped

"We need to see if the cancer is staying away" 

AN // I started a new story 'Are you with me' def fo check that out because we have wild plans! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I do have a question for you

Once this story is told, I'm planning on a sequel (Actually already started writing the first chapter) butttt I wanna know what you prefer

1) Adding it to this story but just like a huge time jump

2) New book

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