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"Come on, Meredith. Pack your stuff, I wanna go home" Ellis complained

Meredith grabbed her stuffed animals and threw it in the carry on bag but it went slow, Meredith was clearly exhausted after this task. Her eyes were drooping

"Hi, I heard you were going home today" Carolyn said as she entered the room

"There was no point in her staying any longer. She's officially in remission, she can recover from home" Ellis said

"Will she attend school?" Carolyn asked

"Well she's changing schools anyways but as you know, Dr Shepherd advised to not let her go to school in the first 3 to 6 months due to her badly affected immune system" Ellis replied annoyed

"Yeah.." Carolyn sighed and turned to Meredith "You were so good! You can finally go home again" She faked a smile

"I can't wait to s-w-eep in my own bed" Meredith giggled

"I can imagine!" Carolyn smiled

"Can I still see Amy?" Meredith quietly asked as she looked at the ground

"If that's okay for you mom, we can have playdates. You can always come to our house and meet up with the kids or Amy can come to your house" Carolyn suggested

"I don't think that's a very good idea. Your husband said other kids bring germs and you have a lot of kids" Ellis frowned

"They can wash up and wear a mask and a gown" Carolyn said

"Maybe later on, I'm only letting Lara watch Meredith when I'm working" Ellis said

"Oh, you'll be working?" Carolyn frowned

"Yes, I have to pay the bills" Ellis rolled her eyes

"Of course" Carolyn said and turned back to Meredith "You can always facetime with the kids if you want"

"Yes!" Meredith smiled

"We'll see. I don't wanna give her too much screen time. Now, Meredith. We have to go home" Carolyn said

"Bye C-Carol-lyn" Meredith waved

"Bye sweetie" Carolyn waved back


Hours had passed, Meredith was sleeping in her room as Ellis was downstairs doing paperwork when she got paged

She quickly called Lara and asked if she could come and watch Meredith. Lara was on her way and Ellis decided to already leave

Meredith had woken up and slowly went downstair but couldn't find her mom

"Mommy?" She whispered as she walked through the house "Mommy?" Her lower lip started trembling

She heard the front door opening and saw Lara walking through it

"Lara!" She gasped

"Hi, little one! Why are you so upset?" Lara asked as she lifted Meredith


"Oh she had to go to work, that's why I'm here, okay?"

Meredith nodded

"I also got a message from someone very important!" Lara said

"From who?" Meredith gasped

"Apparently Carolyn had asked her oldest daughter to text me so you and Amy could video chat from time to time"

"Reawly?" Meredith gasped

"Should we try and see if they pick up?" Lara asked Meredith

"Yes!" She giggled

Lara started calling Kathleen and it didn't take long before she picked up

"Hi! Is Meredith with you?" Kathleen asked

"She is! Are you with your sister?" Lara asked

"Amy!" Kathleen yelled

"Yeah?" Amy's voice was heard through the phone

"Amy, hi!" Meredith giggled

"Meredith?" Amelia couldn't believe her ears

"Hi!" Meredith kept giggling

The two girls kept talking and Amelia's siblings checked in a few times

"Meredith, let's end this call for today, I think you need a nap" Lara said

"No!" Meredith whined

"Mom!" Meredith could hear all the kids' voices in the background "Look who's on the phone!"

"Ca-wr-olyn! Meredith smiled

"Oh, Meredith! Great to see you! How are you?" Carolyn asked

"I'm okay!" Meredith smiled but yawned

"And tired, no?" Carolyn laughed, "You should go rest some more, Meredith. Make sure you get better, okay?"

"Okay" Meredith sighed

"Bye Meredith!" All the kids yelled

"Bye!" Meredith weakly waved back before resting her head on Lara's shoulder

"Let's go to bed" Lara lifted Meredith and carried her upstairs

"Stay?" Meredith asked and Lara agreed. She climbed into bed Meredith before both of them closed their eyes

AN // I'll apologize in advantage for those who'll ready this AN :P

I started uni a week ago and I got sick, I'm still not better and watching Grey's made my lack of sleep worse which caused me to get a bit worse and skip school already but I've been writing hahaha but that also means I have no clue how it will turn out next week because from Monday until Wednesday I have school from 8:30 am till 5:30 pm so very long days and then I have cleaning, cooking etc to do so you'll see but I'm off on Thursday.. anyways this ended up being way too long again.. :P

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