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It's been a week since Meredith woke up and yesterday she had another round of chemo to make sure she would go into remission

Ellis showed up a few times at night when it was calm in the hospital. Meredith barely even realised it

"Hey, Meredith" Carolyn smiled as she entered Meredith's normal room where she was transferred to the day before

"Hi" Meredith replied

"Oh, I hear you've been training on your speech?" Carolyn smiled as she stood in the doorway

Meredith nodded "-licia" She smiled

"Oh, with Alicia?" Carolyn guessed and Meredith nodded in response "I got you some kind of present, Meredith"

"F-for me?" Meredith smiled widely

"Yep, all for you!" Carolyn said ans moved to the side and Amelia jumped in front of the door

"A-Amy" Meredith smiled

"Mer!" Amelia giggled and climbed up on the bed to play with Meredith

The two girls were chatting away for a while until Meredkth stopped playing

"-Lyn, my tummy feels weird" Meredkth frowned

"It's the chemo, dear. In 6 days it's your last one before you hopefully go into remission, isn't that awesome?" Carolyn smiled

"R-Reaw-" Meredith said but shook her head "Really?"

"Really" Carolyn chuckled

"G-Good" Meredith smiled "H-Home with m-mommy?"

"I think so sweetheart" Carolyn didn't really know how to respond

"Oh-" Meredith reacted

"You can come to our house for playdates and to stay the night if that's okay for your mother" Carolyn told Meredith who nodded in agreement

The girls kept playing with the dolls until Meredith got tired, then they switched to another Disney movie

"Wow, Meredith! You're doing so good" Carolyn smiled as Meredith pushed herself up

Meredith giggled a bit at Carolyn's sweet words but was disturbed by gagging

"Here" Carolyn quickly held the bucket in front of Meredith and let her vomit into it "Feeling a bit better?" Carolyn asked as she rubbed Meredith's back

"Way better" Meredith smiled weakly

"Here, lay down a bit more" Amelia said and helped Meredith lay down a bit more

"Thank y-you" Meredith smiled

"You're doing very good with your recovery, Meredith" Carolyn complimented and made Meredith smile again before she closed her eyes


"Meredith, you need to change your clothes" Ellis said

"M-Mommy what happening?" Meredith asked confused as she woke up

"The doctor will be here soon and you still have to change your pajamas" Ellis spoke up

"Uh" Meredith hesitated "Help?"

"Meredith, you're six. You can do this by yourself, stop complaining" Ellis snapped

Meredith was fighting back the tears and it took a long time before she was finally able to change her clothes due to the muscle weakness in her limbs

"Finally" Ellis sighed once Meredith finished

Meredith kept quiet and just laid down

"Goodmorning, Meredith" Christopher said as he and Arizona entered the room

Sweet child o' mine (1/4)Where stories live. Discover now