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"We need to talk" Richard said as all Meredith's doctors entered the room Richard paged them too

"What's wrong?" Arizona frowned as she knew this was about Meredith

"Ellis left" Richard sighed

"What, she left? For how long?" Arizona asked

"Does Meredith know about this?" Christopher frowned

"She left. She said she would pay for Meredith's hospital bills and her.. funeral" Richard said quietly

"Her what?!" Christopher snapped "Someone needs to tell Meredith, she deserves the truth"

All other doctors nodded

"She's close with my wife. I'll go with her to tell Meredith" Christopher said and left the room to go find his wife

He walked around on the peds floor as crossed Meredith's room. He saw the little girl curled up around his wife and that's when he knew. They needed to help her like they did with Mark. They couldn't leave her like this

"Honey" Christopher whispered

Carolyn gently climbed out of the bed and met with Christopher outside

"What's wrong?" Carolyn frowned

"Ellis left. Apparently she said she would pay for Meredith's hospital bills and.. funeral"

"She can't be serious?" Carolyn gasped and started to tear up

"She is" Christopher pulled Meredith into his arms "Richard will be her medical proxy"

"What will happen to Meredith once she can get out of here?" Carolyn asked

Christopher shrugged his shoulders "We should tell her together"

Carolyn nodded and together they entered the room

"Meredith, sweetie.. can you wake up for a second?" Carolyn gently shook her awake

Meredith slowly opened her eyes and had no idea what was happening. Christopher helped her to sit a bit more upright before Carolyn say next to her

Meredith started leaning against Carolyn as she had trouble sitting up that long after already 2 treatments

"Meredith, your mother is gone, she left for a while" Carolyn told Meredith

Meredith frowned and it looked as if she was repeating every single word "Me?"

"You're gonna stay here. You need to get better, dear" Carolyn held Meredith close

"Mommy?" Meredith started crying and started rubbing her head and pieces of her hair fell in her lap, this made her scared

"It's okay darling. It's okay" Christopher whispered

"My- my hai-wr?"

"It's because of the chemo, sweetheart" Carolyn whispered "Maybe we should cut it off all at once"

Meredith kept crying. The little girl just heard that her mother left her and that her hair's starting to fall out. Meredith was exhausted and kept crying

"When does your shift end?" Christopher asked Carolyn

"In an hour, why?" Carolyn frowned

"Can you go get the younger kids and bring them over? She needs some distraction" Christopher said but Meredith didn't seem to listen

Carolyn nodded, "Meredith, can you look at me?"

"Meredith" Christopher repeated and stroked her cheek

"Hmm?" She groaned as she shifted in Carolyn's arms

"I think it's best if we cut  your hair, sweetie" Carolyn whispered

Meredith looked scared but nodded in agreement. She was way too young to really understand what this would mean


"Meredith!" Amelia ran in

"Amelia, wait!" Carolyn yelled but it was too late, she already ran into Meredith's room

Amelia gasped as she saw Meredith on the bed with very short hair

"Cool!" Amelia ran up to Meredith "You went to the hairdresser!"

Meredith smiled a bit after Amelia's positive reaction

"Hi, Meredith!" Both boys said as they climbed up the bed "How are you and Fluffy?"

"Kay" She giggled but stopped abruptly and rubbed her forehead

Carolyn took a look at Meredith's chart to see how long it has been gone since she got her meds but she wasn't due for another round yet

"Today it's Frozen day!" Amelia smiled

"I thought we were gonna watch Luca?" Mark frowned

"Yeah, Luca!" Derek gasped

"Maybe we can watch both today?" Carolyn suggested as she saw Meredith's confused expression

Carolyn tucked Meredith in with the other kids as they started watching the movie. It didn't take long before Meredith was asleep

Halfway through the second movie, Meredith started stirring while she was asleep. Carolyn wanted to check on her when she noticed Meredith was burning up

Derek, take Mark and Amelia outside and ask Olivia or Laura to page your dad and Dr Robbins 911" Carolyn said as she hovered over the little girl

Amy slid down off the bed with some help from Derek before the three kids left the room. It didn't take long before Christopher and Arizona ran in

"She's having a high fever" Carolyn told them

Arizona went over to check on Meredith "Oh my- She's burning up! We need to cool her down, now!" Arizona yelled when Meredith had a seizure. This was definitely because of the fever as it was a lot more different than the ones Meredith had because of the tumor

"Carolyn, you should go home with the kids. We'll sedate Meredith until her fever is down again" Christopher said

Carolyn nodded and watched them leave the room, pushing Meredith's bed to the ICU "I'll call Lara" She said before they were out of the room

A little bit later, Lara ran into the hospital

"Carolyn?" She recognised the nurse that took care of Meredith when she was around

"We brought Meredith to the ICU. It seems like she's having a pretty bad infection. Her body is very weak because of the chemo and an infection now.. it can be fatal" Carolyn sighed

"Oh my-" Lara gasped

"There's something else we need to discuss. We should go somewhere more private" Carolyn said and grabbed Lara's hand as she led her to a conference room

They both took a seat and Carolyn grabbed Lara's hand

"Dr Grey left"

"When will she be back?" Lara asked "I know I'm fired but I'm not doing anything wrong with visiting her, right?"

"Lara, it means the world to Meredith that you're around and Ellis isn't coming back. She said she would pay for Meredith's hospital bills.. and her funeral" Carolyn repeated Ellis' words

"Her funeral? She'll be okay, no? She needs to be okay" Lara gasped

"They're doing everything they can and there's hope. We need to stay positive" Carolyn squeezed Lara's hand "How old are you?"

"I turned 18 last week. Meredith and I went to the movies to celebrate" Lara smiled a bit at the memory of them holding a popcorn eat competition

"I'll make sure you can go see Meredith once she's cleared to have controlled visitors in the ICU" Carolyn assured Lara "I have to go now, I need to check on my kids"

Sweet child o' mine (1/4)Where stories live. Discover now