3rd Chapter Claire's POV

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Claire's POV

I pulled up to the spot I was supposed to meet the strange boy. He’s not here yet… Where could he be? Hoping I didn’t have to wait long, I left the car running and popped in a Soundgarden CD.

Soon enough, an old blue truck pulled up beside me in that old abandoned parking lot. I shut off my Camaro and grabbed my keys, getting out to talk to the nameless-boy. He was already by the front of my car waiting, though. Right where he said he would be.

“I never did catch your name, ya know.” He was smiling kindly at me as he casually leaned on the hood.

“It’s Claire Michaels. How ‘bout yours?”

Grinning, he responded by sticking out his hand. “Names Jordan.”

“And your last name?” Isn’t it odd that he didn’t say his, since I said mine?

“I can’t tell you that. It’s a need-to-know basis… If you ever need to know it, I’ll be sure to tell you.” He winked over his shoulder, as he started to walk away. “Follow me back to camp.”

Figuring there was no room to argue over his last name, I nodded (more to myself, than to him) and got into my car. I started to follow him, and he sped down different roads for about an hour. Eventually, we came to a rough hill, and it was obvious my Camaro wasn’t going to make it up safely. I was relieved to see that Jordan noticed that too, and got out of his truck.

I stayed in my car, and he quickly began motioning to a small parking lot I hadn’t noticed before. A short, narrow path just barely wide enough for my car led up to it. It was completely covered by the foliage, and packed with two dozen cars. I parked, grabbed the only bag a brought with me, and started heading the short path to where Jordan still was standing.

“Looks like you’ll have to ride the rest of the way with me. Don’t worry, it’s not too far away. I promise I won’t wreck or turn into a monster.” I glared at his not-so-funny joke, but he just gave me a sheepish grin and got into the drivers side.

“So, how many people are in this camp? I was quite a few cars back in there…”

“Probably around fifty. This is just a temporary camping spot though. Our real town village thing, has a couple hundred. We usually take long scavenger trips, to bring back wild game, and other supplies we need to survive. We make some of our own things, but it would be too difficult to make everything… like condoms, for example. I would have no idea how to create a latex condom.” He chuckled as he saw a blush creep onto my face.

I knew what a condom was, of course. I had a lot of books to read. But I never had first hand experience with any of that. I was too young when the plague broke out.

Lost in my own thoughts, I almost didn’t see the wide field we pulled off the road into. Four trucks were lined up near the rocky road, and on the other side of the field a huge group of tents.

“Well, this is camp!” Jordan exclaimed, and grabbed my bag out of the back. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me into the circle of tents.

“Hey!” “Hey you’re back!” “How’d your trip go?” “Who’d ya bring back with you?” ”What took so long?” “She’s cute!” “Did you get it?” All the people at the camp site immediately started talking into a loud mess of shouts as soon as they caught sight of the tall boy next to me.

“Yes, yes. Calm down. The trip went fine, and I caught up with an old friend!” He smiled widely as he looked down at me.

I gave him a confused look. I didn’t know him, did I? If I did, then he’s been playing dumb. I’m not that big of a fool. Am I?


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