2nd chapter Marshall and Rose's POV

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"Randy! What the hell is wrong with the engines!" the second piolet yelled.

"i dont know, but i cant stear it!" he yelled back.

Walking into the comand center, i found sirens going off, emergency buttons flashing, and my two most trusted piolets rushing around pressing various knobs and buttons and pulling levers, trying to fix the problem.

"What the fuck is going on?" i asked in panic

"the engines are failing ma'am.." Randy told me.

i knew this would happen. i just knew it.

Rushing back into the cabin of my private jet, i grabbed the parachute from the   and threw one to Marshall. "Hurry up, we're running out of time" i urged him, going back to the control center, and handing my piolets both parachutes, telling them to just leave the jet before it was too late.

"What happened?" Marshall asked me, his voice monotone, completely unworried of the situation.

"Engine failure, i'm guessing." Of course it was. The world was in a state of panic. everything was crazy. all laws were broken, crime everywhere. People were blackmailed, the police turned their heads and looked the other direction because it was everywhere. It was chaos. The black plauge had once again spead through the world, this time wiping out entire continents. This time, it was fend for yourself because there's no god. He fucked us all.

My parents were killed along in with most of my city, New York. Thank god they were loaded, because thats the only way to stay alive anymore. You have to literally be a professional hitman, and you have to have money. You have to work in the underground, and be widely known to all. When people feared you? that was the ticket to freedom. The ticket to staying alive.

"Where are we?" he asked me, looking out the windows of the plane.

"Don't know, don't care. Stay in the plane, definately die. Jump out, probably die. I think i'm gonna go with choice two." Marshall had been my childhood best friend. Since the virus broke out, we've been on the run, and inseparatable.

We had been on our way to Peru, where they were having a meeting for people like us. Trained killers. The ones who would survive.

Because not only did this black plauge kill people. The ones it didnt kill, turned them into zombies.

"Then i would suggest we jump now." He looked at me as if he expected this to be the last time he would ever see me. His features soft. "Rose..."

"No." i cut him off, "just jump at i'll meet you at the bottom." and offered him a weak smile.

He quickly exited the jet, and i grabbed my gun to follow him out when i then realized why he made that face. Looking down, all i could see were snow covered mountains. EVERYWHERE.

"There's only one way off of this thing.." i muttered to myself then jumped.


Sorry if its short... this is my first story ever and i'm pretty worried that it sucks.. i don't know how this is going to go, but i'm going to upload as often as i can, and if i decide to stop writing i'll inform you guys because i dont want you to be just left hanging there like some writers do... if you read please comment and vote, so i know if its good...

The one and only


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