Comincia dall'inizio

Phoebe: Oh, thank God. I mean, that your car's in the driveway and I'm not in the doghouse. Is she okay?

Prue: Yeah, just a little fender bender, no big deal. Phoebe, Andy's in trouble.

Phoebe: What? Why? (Prue shows her the paper. Written on the front page is "Inspector Suspected In I.A. Murder.") They think that he killed that Internal Affairs cop. No way.

Prue: Maybe it's a setup, trying to force him to reveal our secret.

Phoebe: Let me see that. (She takes the paper off Prue and has a premonition.)

Prue: What is it?

Phoebe: I saw Andy, Prue. He was dead.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Continued from before.]

Prue: Wait, you said that you didn't see a demon or a warlock in your premonition, right?

Phoebe: No, but the way he was hurled across the room, there had to have been one.

Prue: This room here?

Phoebe: Right here, yeah.

Prue: Okay, and you're positive that it was Andy.

Phoebe: Prue.

Prue: I just want to be sure, all right, this isn't just anybody that we're talking about, you know.

Phoebe: I know, and I care about him too.

Rose: We all care about Andy, for me Piper Phoebe he is kind of like the big brother that we never had

Prue: I know you guys do. I'm sorry. Um, right, why don't you fill in Piper and I'm gonna go warn Andy.

Rose: How? He said it was too risky for you to be seen with him.

Prue: Yeah, well, I don't care. Let Internal Affairs find out that we're witches. Andy's life is a lot more important.

Phoebe: Okay, just please be careful. You don't know what kind of demon we're up against.

[Scene: Police station. Andy is in a room with Darryl.]

Darryl: If you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if Rodriguez was the one who whacked his own partner.

Andy: I.A. already cleared him.

Darryl: I.A. clearing I.A. Go figure.

Andy: Yeah.

(Rodriguez enters the room.)

Rodriguez: What are you doing here, Morris?

Darryl: Backing my partner, Rodriguez, something you wouldn't know anything about.

Rodriguez: This is between him and me.

Andy: It's okay, Darryl. (Darryl leaves the room.) Just for the record, I'm not saying anything without my lawyer present.

Rodriguez: You don't need a lawyer. Not if you're willing to help me.

Andy: You want me to help you? (He laughs.) What, you can't frame me yourself, Rodriguez?

Rodriguez: Look, Andy...

Andy: Oh, it's Andy now.

Rodriguez: I don't think you had anything to do with my partner's murder. That's right. But what I do think is completely off the record. And I think you'll understand why. (Rodriguez shows Andy a photo.) That's my partner. Or at least what's left of him. No human could've done that to him. I think he was killed by something supernatural. And I think you can help me figure out who or what it is.

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