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There were a bunch of requests from readers asking for a part two to the story because the end left everybody in shock, I guess lol.

Now there were like 700+ comments (idk how, that's quite an achievement 😭) but I realised that some readers might not have understood the characters or the storyline thoroughly, the reason why they think some actions of both Jungkook and Lisa were 'justified'. There are various twists and hidden meanings in the entire the storyline so I would be summarising the plot and possibly give a few theories about the aftermath of that resolves your confusion.

Starting off with the principal idea of the story and the symbolism of its title : seesaw is used as a metaphor to emphasise the twisted form of love both characters find themselves in.

Every relationship starts with a commitment, where both lovers are considered equal. There needs to be a balance between the parties, where one supports the other when they are down.

But when love becomes a burden, one has to sacrifice their happiness at the cost of the others. It then becomes a battle, where the lovers in quarrel are seen struggling from a relentless exhaustion of emotions — because it just becomes an endless game of "who did more and who did less".

Such kind of relationship is considered toxic and emotionally draining because one side of the party is reluctant to reciprocate any kind of actions the other is willing to give — mostly like misfortune of either partners brings happiness to the other.

The relationship eventually centres itself around individual satisfaction more than morality and commitment and the only way to break this chain is when one of the partners decides to get off the seesaw.

However, many couples fail to do so, because of their past emotional attachment to a person they were once heavily in love with — almost as if somebody put a curse on this once happy fairytale. They then start to point out the flaws in each other and a question of "you and I were lovers at some point but we have become sick and tired of each other; what changed?" tends to become increasingly prevalent.

This idea was constantly reflected throughout the lyrics of Seesaw by Yoongi, he emphasised the line of "repeating seesaw game" time and again and this is just a literal translation of what he meant by that and the sole inspiration to the fic.

Moving on to the characters. Most of you were supportive of Jungkook's character in the story, because he waited for Lisa till the very end. And most of you also thought that what Jungkook did was bad and Lisa deserved better, however she left one toxic person for another.

Truth is, if Jungkook was cruel and psychotic, Lisa wasn't much of a saint either. She felt burdened by the social stigma around her to a point that she lost confidence over herself and even gave up her love for Jungkook — you wouldn't call that a sacrifice, because she chose herself, her anxieties over love.

Many might disagree, but hear me out : in my opinion, there are time you lose a stand over something you want dearly because you keep holding onto it the most, and this doesn't have to be love or sympathy every time. Suppose your ambitions are not supported by your family, do you eventually give up, or do you try to achieve it in order to show that you did have the potential to find success?

Even if you give up your ambitions to fulfill your parents', you'd end up blaming them at the end of the day. Because you gave up something you loved, and no matter how much money you earn, you won't find happiness in it.

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